Introduction to Tagore at Tagore-Burns Night at Institute Camoes, Dept. of Portuguese, Edinburgh University.
Feb 17, 2012
Location Edinburgh University People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Events (140)
Linda Dryden and Bashabi Fraser were guests of the Indian Consul General at the City Chambers to celebrate the 63rd Republic Day of India.
Jan 27, 2012
People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Visiting Fellow, University of Calcutta, Dec. 2011-Jan.2012
Dec 16, 2011
Description Visiting Fellow, University of Calcutta, Dec. 2011-Jan.2012. Gave 2 lectures, 1 poetry reading, 1 creative writing workshop. People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Book Launch at Word Power Books introduced by Professor Chris Harvie. John Burnett, The Making of the Moder Scottish Highlands 1939-1965. Calum Neill, Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity.
Dec 15, 2011
People John Burnett
Calum NeillOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Edinburgh Napier University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Council for Cultural Relations. ScoTs will host a visiting Chair in Tagore Studies in 2012 as a result of the MoU.
Nov 23, 2011
Description As well as offering a visiting chair in Tagore Studies ICCR have also offered ScoTs two PhD studentships. People Bashabi Fraser
Linda DrydenOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Poetry Reading at the Wigton Book Festival
Sep 30, 2011
Description Poetry Reading at the Wigton Book Festival, Dumfries and Galloway People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
meeting with Nat. Edwards about collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University and Robert Burns Museum, Alloa
Sep 15, 2011
Description meeting with Nat. Edwards about collaboration between Edinburgh Napier University and Robert Burns Museum, Alloa People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Dr Sandra Cairncross, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Creative Industries, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Edinburgh Napier and the University of Calcutta on behalf of ScoTs. This allows ScoTs to take forward its proposa
Sep 15, 2011
People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
meeting with Alan Rennie of Scottish Parliament about exhibition of photographs of Tagore's international journeys
Sep 14, 2011
Description meeting with Alan Rennie of Scottish Parliament about exhibition of photographs of Tagore's international journeys People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
chairing Scottish Pen 'Writers in Prison' 'Empty Chair' Event in Book Festival Fringe
Aug 24, 2011
Description chairing Scottish Pen 'Writers in Prison' 'Empty Chair' event at the Book Festival Fringe, 'Wordpower Books' West Nicolson Street Edinburgh People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
meeting with James Price at Edinburgh Filmhouse regarding Tagore Film Festival
Aug 11, 2011
Description meeting with James Price at Edinburgh Filmhouse regarding Tagore Film Festival People Bashabi Fraser
Sarah ArttOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
CLAW members, Linda Dryden and Bashabi Fraser, invited to a meeting with Scottish Government representatives to plan Burns Centre event for Tagore
Jun 29, 2011
People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Talk and reading invited by Bute Writers Group
Jun 24, 2011
Description Talk and reading of own poems was at Isle of Bute Library, Rothesay, with audience of over 50. People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Dance and Music event to celebrate Tagore
May 25, 2011
Description a dance and music event was held at Craiglockhart on Friday 13 May to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Tagore's birth. Around 100 guests enjoyed an evening of song and music by singer mrs Sonali Ray and tabla player Mr Anjan Ghosh. This was followed by traditional dancing and Tagore-related stories by Professor Amit Dutt, Uday Shankar Professor of Dance at Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. The event was sponsored by the Scottish Government, the Nehru Centre, London,. and CLAW. People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Tagore Lecture at Craiglockhart, Professor Uma Das Gupta
May 24, 2011
Description Professor Uma Das Gupta, a Tagore expert, gave a lecture on Tagore and his writings in English at Edinburgh Napier's Craiglockhart campus on Thursday 12 May. The event was attended by around 50 people and was held in honour of Tagore's 150th birthday anniversary. It was sponsored by CLAW and the Nehru Centre, London. People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
ScoTs receives financial help from The Nehru Centre
May 10, 2011
Description CLAW has been granted £1000 by the Nehru Centre in London to assist with the celebratory events for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabindranath Tagore in May. People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Scottish Government funding awarded to CLAW for Tagore events
May 10, 2011
Description CLAW will receive £2,250 from the Scottish Government's Culture Division. This funding is to assist in the costs for the two events organised by CLAW to celebnrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rabindranath Tagore. People Linda Dryden
Bashabi FraserOrg Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Chair of International Tagore Conference, London
May 7, 2011
Description Chair of International Tagore Conference, organized by Tagore Centre UK at Senate House, University of London People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Reading and Creative Writing Workshop, Gatehouse of fleet, Dumfriesshire
Jan 28, 2011
Description Held over two days at the Bakehouse, Gatehouse of Fleet People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries
Invited Poetry reading, European Society of Studies in English Conference, Turin, Italy
Aug 25, 2010
Description Invited Poetry reading, European Society of Studies in English Conference, Turin, Italy People Bashabi Fraser Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries