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Events (140)

Keynote speaker at event celebrating John Ruskin and Patrick Geddes, 'Sauntering Sages', at the A K Bell Library, Perth
Jun 13, 2015

Description Bashabi Fraser was a keynote speaker, along with Tom Hubbard, Kenny Munro and Walter Stephen, at an event called 'Sauntering Sages' celebrating John Ruskin and Patrick Geddes, their connections with Perth and their legacy. The event was co-hosted by the AK Bell Library and the Patrick Geddes Memorial Trust
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

visit of Prof. Tapati Mukherjee, Director of Rabindra Bhavan(Research Institute), Visva Bharati (Tagore's University) for research collaboration in UKIERI programme.
May 9, 2015

Description Meeting of the Principal Investigators, Prof. Tapati Mukherjee from Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, Bengal and Prof. Bashabi Fraser to pursue the UKIERI project on the continuum of ideas between Scottish and Bengal Renaissance.
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Under the Covers with Bestselling Authors - Richard Holloway
May 4, 2015

Location Edinburgh Napier University
Description RICHARD HOLLOWAY, FRSE is a Scottish writer, broadcaster and cleric.

He was Bishop of Edinburgh from 1986 to 2000 and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church from 1992 to 2000.

He currently hosts the BBC Radio Scotland book review programme, Cover Stories.

His books include "On Forgiveness", "Looking in the Distance", "Godless Morality", "Doubts and Loves", and "Between the Monster and the Saint".

"Leaving Alexandria", won the PEN/Ackerley Prize 2013 and was shortlisted for the Orwell Prize 2013.
People Avril Gray
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

gives conference talk on 'Orange is the New Black and Cultural Representations of Women's Imprisonment' at the 46th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) in Toronto
May 2, 2015

People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

gives invited talk at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY, on 'Mediating Prisoners' Voices: Women, Class, and Incarceration'. Hosted by the Departments of English, Philosophy and Criminology. Sponsored through a Santander travel grant.
Apr 28, 2015

People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

gives invited talk at Nazareth College, Rochester, NY, on 'Orange is the New Black in Context: Historicizing the Women in Prison Genre'. Sponsored through a Santander travel grant.
Apr 27, 2015

People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Gave a paper to the annual conference of the British Association for South Asian Studies, University of Portsmouth
Apr 9, 2015

Description Gave a paper entitled 'A Review of Transnationalism and the Construction of 'Truth' in Postcolonial Novels' to the annual conference of the British Association for South Asian Studies, University of Portsmouth.
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

co-organizes workshop on 'University-Prison Partnerships in International Perspective' at Edinburgh University, with Lori Pompa, Founder and Director of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program at Temple University, Philadelphia, and Fiona Measham, Director
Mar 20, 2015

Location 20 March 2015 Edinburgh
Description This event was co-sponsored by CLAW, the Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, University of Glasgow, the Arts, Humanities & Society Working Group at the RSE Young Academy of Scotland, Education Scotland, New College Lanarkshire and the University of Edinburgh.
People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

gives invited talk on 'Women, Class and Writing about Prison in 19th Century England' at Glasgow University (seminar co-hosted by Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and Centre for Gender History).
Mar 16, 2015

Location 16 March 2015 Glasgow
People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

launches her monograph Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England (University of New Hampshire Press, 2014) at Word Power Books, Edinburgh.
Mar 6, 2015

Location 6 March 2015 Edinburgh
People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Invited Panel member for Scottish Government's India Plan Stakeholders' event on Scotland's Engagement with India
Mar 2, 2015

Description A conference on opportunities for collaboration between India and Scotland hosted by the Scottish Government in relation to their India Plan. Bashabi was an invited panellist for the area of cultural and educational collaboration
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Creative writing talk and workshop at Scottish Writers' Centre
Jan 19, 2015

Description Creative writing talk  and workshop on memoir writing at Scottish Writers' Centre.
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Celebrating Commonwealth Women's Writing at Glasgow Women's Library
Nov 27, 2014

Description Poetry Reading Event to celebrate Commonwealth Women's Writing at Glasgow Women's Library (during Scottish Book Week).
People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

gives invited talk on US research visits entitled 'Inside Out's Transformative Pedagogy and Prison-University Partnerships' for research seminar series at HMP Shotts
Nov 17, 2014

Location 17 November 2014 Shotts
People Anne Schwan
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Concert of 14 Songs by Rabindranath Tagore played by Hans Vermeersch (violin) with vocals by Payal Debroy
Oct 16, 2014

Description Concert based on 'Fourteen Songs by Rabindranath Tagore' translated by Arthur Geddes by Belgian violinist Hans Vermeersch and singing by Payal Debroy
People Bashabi Fraser
Ken Dempster
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

meeting with Prof. Suranjan Das, Vice Chancellor, Calcutta University to progress existing MoU and collaborative research.
Aug 1, 2014

People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Special Lecture, School of Communication, Manipal University, 'Transnationalism in Novels by Disporic Writers'.
Jul 30, 2014

People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Fine Arts Faculty, Prof. Amita Dutt, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata on research collaboration
Jul 22, 2014

People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Guest Lecture at St. Xaviers School, Kolkata on 'Why I write: Poetry and the Voice of Reason'
Jul 21, 2014

People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries

Guest lecture at Gokhale College, Kolkata entitled 'Journey of an Academic and Creative Writer'.
Jul 17, 2014

People Bashabi Fraser
Org Units School of Arts and Creative Industries