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Informing the Good Society (InGSoc): New Direction in Information Policy

People Involved

Project Description

InGSoc (Informing the Good Society: New Directions in Information Policy) is a three-year project, funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council standard grant. The project, whose common thread is the social impact of information and technology and relevant public policy issues, has three components:
1. PhD Studentship in Census Informatics, Ethics & Policy (full-time for 3 years)
2. Research Fellowship in ePunditry, i.e. new media forms of opinion and commentary (.3 post over 3 years)
3. Principal Investigator programme of related research on the 19th-century philosophical foundations of information policy (1 day per week for 3 years).
There will be a series of publications, a programme of seminars and a final symposium.
Outputs will include:

6 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals
Co-authored book on epunditry
PhD on population census as an information institution
Plus conference papers, policy reports and media articles

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Arts & Humanities Research Council
Value £169,026.00
Project Dates Dec 3, 2012 - Feb 28, 2017