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The German Diaspora during World War I: Remembering Internment Camps in Britain and the Commonwealth

People Involved

Project Description

The project pursues three main aims and objectives:

1. Address desideratum: During the First World War, many communities in Britain and its Empire hosted internment camps for military Prisoners of War and civilian ‘enemy aliens’.

2. Shared commemoration: The project aims to firmly embed commemoration of mass internment during the First World War at local, national and global levels. It will support communities in rediscovering their own tangible connection with the First World War, their archaeological heritage, and their historical connections with other communities around the world.

3. Local and global public engagement: The project has a clear strategy to reach as wide an audience as possible through innovative and creative forms of engagement which have not been applied in a British and Commonwealth context. Educational ‘hands on’ activities for young people include an education pack.

In collaboration with Aston University

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Arts & Humanities Research Council
Value £28,714.00
Project Dates Jan 1, 2018 - Oct 31, 2019

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