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CAROUSEL+ Telepresent Dance Reducing Social Distancing

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Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Casas, L., Mitchell, K., Tamariz, M., Hannah, S., Sinclair, D., Koniaris, B., & Kennedy, J. (2024, May). Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments. Presented at SIGCHI GenAI in UGC Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii

We consider practical and social considerations of collaborating verbally with colleagues and friends, not confined by physical distance, but through seamless networked telepresence to interactively create shared virtual dance environments. In respon... Read More about Design Considerations of Voice Articulated Generative AI Virtual Reality Dance Environments.

Embodied online dance learning objectives of CAROUSEL + (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, K., Koniaris, B., Tamariz, M., Kennedy, J., Cheema, N., Mekler, E., Van Der Linden, P., Herrmann, E., Hämäläinen, P., McGregor, I., Slusallek, P., & Mac Williams, C. (2021, March). Embodied online dance learning objectives of CAROUSEL +. Presented at 2021 IEEE VR 6th Annual Workshop on K-12+ Embodied Learning through Virtual and Augmented Reality (KELVAR), Lisbon, Portugal

This is a position paper concerning the embodied dance learning objectives of the CAROUSEL + 1 project, which aims to impact how online immersive technologies influence multiuser interaction and communication with a focus on dancing and learning danc... Read More about Embodied online dance learning objectives of CAROUSEL +.