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Home Grown Demonstrator

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Project Description

This project is to act as forerunner to the larger Edinburgh Home Demonstrator project to identify areas of innovation and supply chain integration aligned with the economic strategy for Scotland’s for Forest and Timber Technologies Sector to 2030 (Scottish Forest & Timber Technologies, 2018). The project has the following objectives:
•Evaluate the current design for manufacture and assembly approaches of house types considering supply chain interactions, logistical operations and building performance standards.
•Work with OSS to develop a digitisation methodology for a standard house type to incorporate collated information and demonstrate the economic and environmental impact of utilising homegrown solutions.
•Identify areas for improved supply chain integration and future research and innovation in order to increase the level of homegrown timber in future house types.

Type of Project P05 - Government Research Grants
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Scottish Forestry
Value £26,000.00
Project Dates Apr 1, 2020 - Mar 31, 2021

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