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Project Description

This project is a collaboration between the University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Napier University to improve significantly the understanding of transition to civilian life within Scotland. By providing policy makers and service providers with evidence, we will enable strategic, better-informed approaches to addressing issues of health, housing, employment, finance and skills.

We will conduct an in-depth review of relevant literature on transition from across the UK and an analysis of data on service leavers settling in Scotland, which will enable some demographic mapping. We will conduct comprehensive engagement with organizations that provide support and services to service leavers and veterans in Scotland, and with service leavers themselves. This will allow a comparative analysis of the ideal transition with actual lived experiences.

CTP has agreed to work with this research project, pending MoD approval (a formal request for release of data has been submitted), providing an exciting opportunity for collaboration with the MOD and the organization contracted to provide transition support to service leavers. The project team will also engage with service leavers who elect not to use CTP’s services, through stakeholder networks and a social media campaign. The project does not rely exclusively on MOD data and, if permission is not given for access to CTP/MOD data, the project can still achieve its aim through questionnaires, interviews, workshops and data available in the public domain, such as the CTP Annual Statistics on Employment Outcomes.
This project, has been funded by the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT), a £35 million funding scheme run by the FiMT using an endowment awarded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Type of Project P04 - Research Charities and Trusts
Project Acronym trans
Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Forces in Mind Trust
Value £226,260.00
Project Dates Nov 16, 2020 - Mar 31, 2023

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