What mechanism(s) underpin successful risk reduction and lifestyle modification in atrial fibrillation: A realist qualitative study
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pearsons, A., Hanson, C., Hendriks, J., & Neubecl, L. (2025, January). What mechanism(s) underpin successful risk reduction and lifestyle modification in atrial fibrillation: A realist qualitative study. Poster presented at Symposium on the Future of Evaluation in Health and Social Care, Newcastle, UK
Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common abnormal sustained heart rhythm disorder and increases risk of severe disabling stroke fivefold. Those with AF are often highly co-morbid, and a previous realist review by the authors identifi... Read More about What mechanism(s) underpin successful risk reduction and lifestyle modification in atrial fibrillation: A realist qualitative study.