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Scottish National Inquiry on Atrial Fibrillation.

Neubeck, Lis; Barclay, Kylie; Dunn, Morven; Oliver, Colin; Armitage, Wendy; Hudson, Paul; Bruce, James; Grubb, Neil; Quinn, Terence J.


Kylie Barclay

Morven Dunn

Colin Oliver

Wendy Armitage

Paul Hudson

James Bruce

Neil Grubb

Terence J. Quinn


Background: Understanding Atrial Fibrillation (AF) management in Scotland was identified as a key priority at the Cross Party Group for Heart Disease and Stroke which meets regularly at the Scottish Parliament. Therefore, a national inquiry was launched to provide clear recommendations to government to improve health for people living with AF.
Methods: An advisory panel was convened comprising major third sector representatives, academics, clinicians, Members of Scottish Parliament (MSPs), and people living with AF. Two questionnaires, one for clinicians; one for people living with AF were circulated through multiple channels, and four roundtable events were held. The results of the report were shared at an event with the Health and Sport Minister in Scottish Parliament.
Results: In total there were 262 responses to the questionnaires (n=203 clinician; n=59 people living with AF) and roundtables were attended by 35 people, including members of the advisory panel, MSPs, clinicians, academics and people living with AF. Ten key recommendations emerged relating to four major categories 1) Detection and diagnosis; 2) Initial treatment and subsequent management; 3) The use of data to improve detection, diagnosis and treatment of AF; and 4) Patient information and public awareness. These results have informed a work package and parliamentary debate in Scotland on improving AF management.
Conclusions: The results of this inquiry will provide the blueprint for change that will improve AF management across Scotland and the inquiry process could be used as exemplar for policy makers in other health conditions.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association ASM (Prize Session Finalist)
Start Date Aug 6, 2018
End Date May 9, 2018
Deposit Date May 7, 2018
Public URL