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Prof Yvonne Kuipers' News (2)

Midwife-led continuity of care - to be or not to be? Utopia, reality, or dystopia?
May 17, 2023

Summary Midwife-led continuity of care is an evidence-based care model and has frequently and repeatedly proven to improve outcomes for women and their families, and for midwives. Despite the WHO advocating that midwife-led continuity of care should be the first choice for all childbearing women and the evidence of effectiveness and efficiency, the utility of the model varies in stages of adoption and implementation. In this lecture I discuss the crucial role and the possibilities of the future of midwife-led continuity of care when regarded from the perspective of the industrial complex and approached as a major public and global issue. The aim of this lecture is to enhance understanding and reflection of the processes, connections, and underlying events of midwife-led continuity of care, uncovering how a future state of the care model may unfold, and to challenge conventional thinking among service users, practitioners, and policy makers. In this lecture I use the intuitive logics scenario development methodology, using the evidence to structure the macro- and micro social structures that influence the adoption, implementation, and upscaling of midwife-led continuity of care in maternity services. Four scenarios present the different plausible prospective futures of the model.
People Yvonne Kuipers

Feb 1, 2023

Summary The key component of the Scottish’s Best Start Government 2017 maternity plan is Continuity of Midwife Care (CMC). Despite the evidence that this model of care is superior in terms of health outcomes for mothers and their families, resources should be provided to affect reasoning and beliefs of midwives to actively embrace the operational implementation of CMC. The ENU midwifery subject group researchers have published several papers about CMC, recommending that ground-up change needs to be actively supported. Knowledge is one of the facilitators for the ongoing implementation of the CMC model by the (future) midwifery workforce. The flow and dissemination of knowledge should be offered to (student)midwives on a regular basis, short messages that are easy to comprehend including a pragmatic aspect. This can be achieved by providing an online freely available resource that is easily accessible for (student)midwives to find important and relevant knowledge about CMC. A newsletter is user-friendly and effective what to directly communicate with the target audience. (ENU) Researchers who would like to share their knowledge, can use the newsletter to disseminate the latest (published) evidence. The newsletter offers the opportunity to collate all newsletters into an easy-to-read book about CMC. Assembling CMC research, helps to identify gaps for future ENU midwifery research.

The All-you-need-to-know-about-Midwife-Continuity-of-Care Newsletter is intended to share the brand story about CMC.
We are seeking to:
• Engage (student)midwives
• Create an evidence-based CMC archive
• Establish an online network for researchers
• Provide an easy to use and freely available platform to communicate about CMC
• Valorisation of knowledge
People Yvonne Kuipers