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Prof Christof Backhaus' Outputs (4)

Securing business-to-business relationships: The impact of switching costs (2015)
Journal Article
Blut, M., Evanschitzky, H., Backhaus, C., Rudd, J., & Marck, M. (2016). Securing business-to-business relationships: The impact of switching costs. Industrial Marketing Management, 52(1), 82-90.

While the relationship marketing literature acknowledges the importance of switching costs for increasing customer retention, little is known about its relevance in industrial markets. In particular, it is unclear whether switching costs, and associa... Read More about Securing business-to-business relationships: The impact of switching costs.

Why frontline employees engage as idea collectors: An assessment of underlying motives and critical success factors (2015)
Journal Article
Woisetschläger, D. M., Hanning, D., & Backhaus, C. (2016). Why frontline employees engage as idea collectors: An assessment of underlying motives and critical success factors. Industrial Marketing Management, 52(1), 109-116.

The importance of frontline employees for the success of organizations is recognized by researchers and practitioners alike. However, their importance for the innovativeness of companies resulting from their boundary spanning role is often underestim... Read More about Why frontline employees engage as idea collectors: An assessment of underlying motives and critical success factors.

Multi-Level Modeling (2015)
Evanschitzky, A., & Backhaus, C. (2015). Multi-Level Modeling

Whenever research is concerned with the analysis of relationships between lowerlevel units (e.g., individuals) and the higherlevel unit they belong to (e.g., group), a hierarchical – multilevel or nested – data structure occurs. In such cases, multi‐... Read More about Multi-Level Modeling.

The Franchise Dilemma: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Relational Contracting, and Opportunism in Hybrid Governance (2015)
Journal Article
Evanschitzky, H., Caemmerer, B., & Backhaus, C. (2016). The Franchise Dilemma: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Relational Contracting, and Opportunism in Hybrid Governance. Journal of Small Business Management, 54(1), 279-298.

Using franchise data, we identify that entrepreneurial characteristics of franchisees partially impact on their opportunistic tendencies. Further, relational contracting increases franchisee opportunism by strengthening the opportunism‐enhancing impa... Read More about The Franchise Dilemma: Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Relational Contracting, and Opportunism in Hybrid Governance.