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Dr Phiona Stanley's Recognition (47)

On "making it" in academia and on writing about such things autoethnographically: Leeds Beckett University, PhD Seminars, School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management. (2023)

Dark Tourism Research Symposium: Memory, Pilgrimage & the Digital Realm (co-convenor, with Craig Wight and Anne Schwan, 2022).

Messodology: Celebrating the messiness of qualitative enquiry (co-chair, conference segment), European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Edinburgh 2019

Author Spotlight: An Autoethnography of Fitting In: On Spinsterhood, Fatness and Backpacker Tourism (Invited keynote, 2022 International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative (ISAN), Florida/Online.

A trouble walks into a bar: Standup and therapy (Edinburgh Futures Institute, Firestarter Festival). Invited guest presentation (2021)

Netnography research methods lecture series (Pandemic shorts): PART ONE: PART TWO: PART THREE: PART FOUR:

Autoethnography as Activism (Opening plenary). British Autoethnography Conference, University of Bristol (2019)

Winner of The Moth (Sydney) Story Slam (true stories, told live, no notes; 2018):

Unlikely hikers? Autoethnographies of unlikely human bodies in the outdoors. (Invited guest lecture at the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry, University of Edinburgh, 2020)

Critical intercultural competence and the learning of Spanish on "The Gringo Trail". York St John University. Languages and Linguistics Colloquium Series (2021).

Chair: Autoethnography across cultures (conference panel). International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois (2017).

Writing Autoethnography: University of Edinburgh Seminars: Autoethnographic Research Methods in the Social Sciences (2023)

Autoethnography and Selfhood: University of Edinburgh Seminars: Autoethnographic Research Methods in the Social Sciences (2024)

Honorary Fellow of the University of Edinburgh Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry.

External DPsych Examiner: Ryan Bittinger, University of Edinburgh (UK, 2020). Thesis: Homos in the woods: Queer shame and body shame in the context of trekking experiences.

External PhD Examiner: Alison Williams, University of Warwick (UK, 2021). Thesis: A critical autoethnography of fostering transformative relationships in a neoliberal university.

External PhD Examiner: Ahn Ngoc Quynh Phan, University of Auckland (New Zealand, 2022). Thesis: Moving though space, pausing in place: Vietnamese doctoral sojourners' transnational experiences of identity (re)negotiation, belonging, and home.

External PhD Examiner: Rasoul Jafari, Deakin University (Australia, 2023). Thesis: Subnational ethnolinguistic diversity in the Iranian diaspora: A critical study of Iranian Azerbaijanis in Australia.

Australian Postgraduate Award (PhD Scholarship) (2007-2010)

Winner of Monash University Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal 2010