Dr Phiona Stanley
Post Nominals | PhD, MEd, MA (hons), RSA Dip, SFHEA, FRGS. |
Biography | My work is all about mobilities and how people engage in 'intercultural' settings in the broadest sense: heterogeneous assemblages of humans, non-humans, and artefacts. This includes research and teaching on working abroad, intercultural education, and tourism, particularly outdoors sport/leisure/mobilities. Within this, I'm particularly interested in gender, embodiment, and other normative 'rules'. I'm also very interested in innovative ways of doing, writing, and teaching qualitative research methods, including narrative storytelling and evocative and creative writing within academic texts. My theoretical paradigm is critical, which is to say that I'm particularly focused on how power relations operate. To date, I have published five books (three sole-authored monographs and two edited anthologies) and around forty-five peer-reviewed articles; I have also presented my research at many international conferences/symposia, invited guest lectures/keynotes, and public engagement events. Click on the 'outputs' and 'recognition' tabs if you want to know more about these. I currently lead a big, first-year module that focuses on interculturality in business, sport, tourism, and other settings; it runs in both T1 and T2 on the Craiglockhart campus. In addition, I'm teaching and developing new core modules for our brand new suite of undergraduate degrees in intercultural business communication (IBC). Edinburgh Napier is the only Scottish university offering IBC at undergraduate level, so these are exciting times! My background: Before coming to Edinburgh Napier in 2019, I worked as a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Sydney (2012-2018), where I mainly taught postgraduate courses. Prior to that, I was a Lecturer at the University of South Australia (2006-2011). I've supervised doctoral students to completion (see the 'postgrad' tab) and I've been an external PhD examiner for various universities in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. I'm also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy/Advance HE (SFHEA) and I've won awards for my postgrad and undergrad teaching. Pre-PhD, I built a career in language education, working in the UK, Peru, Poland, Qatar, China, and Australia. Professional working languages: English and Spanish. |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |