Level | Doctorate |
Student | Suki Kaur |
Status | Current |
Part Time | Yes |
Years | 2020 - 2026 |
Project Title | Evaluating the impact of policy interventions on the uptake of sustainable fashion: An agent-based modelling approach. |
Project Description | To evaluate the impact of fast fashion within the climate crises debate. To create an agent based model which evaluates the current uptake of sustainable fashion amongst Scottish consumers. Exploring the impact of policy interventions on the uptake, including taxation and ecolabelling schemes. In doing so, the aim is to better understand consumer behaviour as it stands and to examine which policy options (if any) nudge consumers towards purchasing more sustainably produced fashion products. |
Awarding Institution | Edinburgh Napier University |
Director of Studies | Sarah Borthwick Saddler |
Second Supervisor | Yan Zhuang |