Funding reviewer for Templeton Foundation 2018
2018 - 2018
Research Themes | Health |
Funding reviewer for Templeton Foundation 2018
2018 - 2018
Research Themes Health
Funding reviewer - NIHR 2017
Research Themes Health
Visiting Professor Leuven University, Belgium & lead researcher in ERICH
Affiliated Organisations KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSTITEIT LEUVEN Research Areas Mental health
User experienceResearch Themes Health Research Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Projects International PROM project Org Units School of Health and Social Care
PhD Michelle Beattie Development and testing of the Care Experience Feedback Improvement Tool (CEFIT)
2016 - 2016
Description PhD Affiliated Organisations University of Stirling Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Doctor of Nursing: Helen Oldknow Why don't mental health nurse prescribers prescribe?
2016 - 2016
Affiliated Organisations University of Huddersfield Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Holistic Needs Assessment in Cancer Clinics: preliminary results of RCT
Description SIGOPAC conference Bristol Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Is Understanding an Intervention?
Description Keynote at SIGOPAC conference Research Areas Mental health
Data linkageResearch Themes Health Research Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research
The Scottish PROM: a measure of chaplaincy interventions in Scotland
Description Debrecen, Hungary Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
MRes Lynne Carmichael: What are the barriers to dying at home in Ayrshire?
2015 - 2015
Description MRes Lynne Carmichael: What are the barriers to dying at home in Ayrshire? Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
PhD Aisha Abdul Razak: Enhancing Teaching and Learning using Digital Games-Based Learning (DGBL) Within the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE): An Exploratory Study
2014 - 2014
Description PhD Aisha Abdul Razak: Enhancing Teaching and Learning using Digital Games-Based Learning (DGBL) Within the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE): An Exploratory Study Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Prof Doc, Karen Roome: A grounded theory of Arnstein’s ladder of participation
2014 - 2014
Description Prof Doc, Karen Roome: A grounded theory of Arnstein’s ladder of participation Affiliated Organisations Glasgow Caledonian University Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Barbara Sharp: Stress as experienced by people with dementia
2014 - 2015
Description Helped with corrections Affiliated Organisations University of the West of Scotland Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
PhD Jane Ross: Exploration of mental health nurse prescribing
2013 - 2013
Description PhD Jane Ross: Exploration of mental health nurse prescribing Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Undergraduate MH nursing Abertay
2013 - 2014
Affiliated Organisations University of Abertay Dundee Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
MRes Hildegard Kolb: Factors associated with 'Death rattle'.
2013 - 2016
Affiliated Organisations University of the West of Scotland Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Helen Walker: Psychosocial Interventions in Forensic Care
2012 - 2015
Affiliated Organisations University of the West of Scotland Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Organiser and chair of inaugural Scottish Mental Health Nurse Research Conference, Ayr
Description Organiser and chair of inaugural Scottish Mental Health Nurse Research Conference, Ayr Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
Post graduate nursing in Dundee University
2012 - 2015
Affiliated Organisations University of Dundee Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
MRes Lorna Bruce: Dancing not wrestling, and exploration of Concordance in Mental Health
2011 - 2014
Affiliated Organisations University of the West of Scotland Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
MRes: Eileen Salmon. Service User involvement in Student Assessment
2011 - 2014
Affiliated Organisations University of the West of Scotland Research Areas Information visualisation
Mental health
Physical activity
Cancer and drug design
Social justice
User experienceResearch Themes AI and Technologies
HealthResearch Centres/Groups Centre for Mental Health Practice, Policy and Law Research Org Units School of Health and Social Care
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