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Prof Ian Singleton's Recognition (18)

Novel methods to inhibit food spoilage microbes

External PhD supervision at University of Nottingham

Member of BBSRC Follow on Fund Review panel

PhD external examiner

Regular reviewer for journals including Post Harvest Biology and Technology, Applied Soil Ecology

External examiner for a suite of MScs (3) at the University of Aberdeen

Radio 4 (2007) : Can ozone gas be used to reduce microbial contamination of fresh fruit and vegetable produce ?

Radio 2 (2001) : Use of seaweed in the bioremediation of DDT contaminated soil

Various Australian TV and Radio presentations (1997-1999) discussing microbial based bioremediation of contaminated soil

Member of editorial board of the journal Process Biochemistry (3 year term) and am currently on the Editorial Boards of Environmental Biotechnology and the Chinese Journal of Environmental Sciences

Editor of Mycology News (the British Mycological Society Quarterly Newsletter)

Examples of Invited research seminars : UC Berkeley, USA, CEH Oxford, University College Cork, University of Aberdeen, Newcastle University, Prince of Songhkla University, Thailand.

Asia-Pacific SETAC conference, Beijing, 2007.

International workshop on risk management for pesticide residues, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (1999).

International conference on Bioavailability in Australia (2001).

International SETAC conference in Aberdeen, UK (Sep 2003).

EU Asia-Link workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006.

'Economic and Social Impact of Fungal Deteriogens' : 2009. Joint meeting of British Mycological Society and International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society, Manchester Univ, 2009.