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Prof Ian Singleton's Outputs (2)

DDT Resistance and Transformation by Different Microbial Strains Isolated from DDT-Contaminated Soils and Compost Materials (2003)
Journal Article
Kantachote, D., Singleton, I., McClure, N., Naidu, R., Megharaj, M., & Harch, B. D. (2003). DDT Resistance and Transformation by Different Microbial Strains Isolated from DDT-Contaminated Soils and Compost Materials. Compost science & utilization, 11(4), 300-310.

Bioremediation is a potential option to treat 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) contaminated sites. In areas where suitable microbes are not present, the use of DDT resistant microbial inoculants may be necessary. It is vital t... Read More about DDT Resistance and Transformation by Different Microbial Strains Isolated from DDT-Contaminated Soils and Compost Materials.

Changes in microbial properties associated with long-term arsenic and DDT contaminated soils at disused cattle dip sites (2003)
Journal Article
Edvantoro, B., Naidu, R., Megharaj, M., & Singleton, I. (2003). Changes in microbial properties associated with long-term arsenic and DDT contaminated soils at disused cattle dip sites. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 55(3), 344-351.

This work examined the effect of long-term arsenic (As) and DDT contamination on soil microbial properties at 11 cattle dip sites in northern New South Wales, Australia. Total As in the surface (0–10 cm) soils from these sites ranged from 34 to 2941... Read More about Changes in microbial properties associated with long-term arsenic and DDT contaminated soils at disused cattle dip sites.