Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies
Journal Article
Waltona, C., Ripodas Melero, A. I., & White, P. J. C. (online). Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies. Ringing and Migration,
Given new avenues for Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix telemetry, and translocations to previously occupied areas, we designed a new cage trap for use at leks that was safe, reliable, and easily transportable, and a custom black-and-white wing-tag that wa... Read More about Bespoke design of cage trap and patagial wing tag for the capture and study of black grouse Lyrurus tetrix at lek sites: assessment of effectiveness for future studies.