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Dr Jennifer Murray's Outputs (3)

Can a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions to Engage in Physical Activity in Young People with Asthma? (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Murray, J., Williams, B., Hoskins, G., Skar, S., McGhee, J., Gauld, D., Brown, G., Treweek, S., Sniehotta, F., Cameron, L., Sheikh, A., & Hagen, S. (2014, June). Can a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions to Engage in Physical Activity in Young People with Asthma?. Presented at International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCI 2014: Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services

A theoretically-informed interactive animation was developed, using themes drawn from psychology, sociology, applied health research, and narrative theory, which aimed to encourage young people with asthma to engage in physical activity. The animatio... Read More about Can a Theory-Informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions to Engage in Physical Activity in Young People with Asthma?.

P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma? (2014)
Journal Article
Hoskins, G., Williams, B. W., Murray, J., Skar, S., McGhee, J., Gauld, D., Brown, G., Treweek, S., Sniehotta, F., Cameron, L., Sheikh, A., & Hagen, S. (2014). P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?. Thorax, 69(Suppl 2), A125-A125.

Background Participation in regular physical activity improves aerobic fitness and well-being. For people with asthma the benefits also include reduced hospital admissions, absenteeism, medication use, and improved ability to cope with the disease. H... Read More about P109 Can A Theory-informed Interactive Animation Increase Intentions To Engage In Physical Activity In Young People With Asthma?.

Investigating the Influence of Causal Attributions on Both the Worksheet and Checklist Versions of the HCR-20 (2014)
Journal Article
Murray, J., Charles, K. E., Cooke, D. J., & Thomson, M. E. (2014). Investigating the Influence of Causal Attributions on Both the Worksheet and Checklist Versions of the HCR-20. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(1), 8-17.

Attribution theories suggest that when assessing an individual's actions, judgments are made about the cause of these behaviours and often these judgments focus on internal or external causal explanations. The current research investigated the effect... Read More about Investigating the Influence of Causal Attributions on Both the Worksheet and Checklist Versions of the HCR-20.