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Prof Mick Rae's Recognition (24)

Invited speaker University of Edinburgh: �How to build an academic career�

Invited speaker WCRB, China 2020

Editorial board member

Optimisation and validation of an in vitro bioassay as a tool for measuring Luteinising Hormone in several species of mammals

Reproductive and metabolic programming by exogenous steroids

Honorary Fellow in the Deanery of Clinical Sciences, in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, The University of Edinburgh

External examination of PhD University of Southampton

How reproduction works (more or less)

Prenatal steroids programme metabolic dysfunction in sheep

External examiner, PhD, University of Nottingham

Fertility 2017 SRF Update speaker

Invited speaker at SRUC 2014 � �how biomedical and agricultural scientists can benefit from each other more�.

Society for Reproduction and Fertility, Council member 2011-2015

Invited speaker at Murdoch University

Invited speaker at Perth Zoo, Australia

Invited speaker at INRA (Paris)

Lead organiser of National Ovarian Workshop 2005

Local organiser of the 2nd World Congress of Reproductive Biology, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, 2014

Invited chair: Royal Society of Edinburgh, Special conference in recognition of scientific contributions of Professor AS McNeilly, Ovary session 2014

Invited chair: University of Cambridge SRF annual conference 2014, session: plenary opening