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Dr Brian Davison's Outputs (18)

IoT for Sustainability (2022)
Book Chapter
Davison, B. (2022). IoT for Sustainability. In R. Buyya, L. Garg, G. Fortino, & S. Misra (Eds.), New Frontiers in Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (253-286). Springer.

The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises a set of complementary technologies which offer unprecedented opportunities for interacting with the physical environment. Faced with multiple pressures on our physical wellbeing such as climate change, habitat... Read More about IoT for Sustainability.

The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment (2019)
Davison, B. The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

The post-installation verification of wind turbine performance is an essential part of a wind energy project. Data collected from meteorological instruments and from the turbine is analysed to produce an estimate of the annual energy production (AEP)... Read More about The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment.

Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis (2019)
Davison, B. (2019). Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis. [Data].

This dataset was created in order to support comparative analyses concerning the relationships between meteorological parameters and wind turbine power output. It addresses some of the limitations of existing datasets such as those compiled for comme... Read More about Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis.

Learning-by-doing as a strategy for student engagement (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B. (2018, January). Learning-by-doing as a strategy for student engagement. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier University’s Staff Conference 2018, Edinburgh

Fans of TED star Ken Robinson (2006) will immediately recognise the benefits of learning-by-doing (LBD): it prioritises activity over passive reception, allows students the space to experience problems first-hand and encourages them to explore their... Read More about Learning-by-doing as a strategy for student engagement.

Sensing domestic energy use (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B. (2017, November). Sensing domestic energy use. Paper presented at U!REKA 2017: Towards and Education and Research Strategy, Edinburgh

Building accurate models of domestic energy use is difficult because of a lack of reliable representative data. This paper outlines a strategy for recruiting home owners to provide data from actual dwellings. Sensor networks are deployed to provide b... Read More about Sensing domestic energy use.

Internationalising groupwork: collaborative student projects with China and USA (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B. (2017, February). Internationalising groupwork: collaborative student projects with China and USA. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier University Learning, Teaching and Research Conference, Edinburgh

The management of remote projects is challenging, especially for students who do not have the framework of a professional environment and a monthly salary for motivation. Adding an international dimension where team members are several time zones apa... Read More about Internationalising groupwork: collaborative student projects with China and USA.

Technological support for citizen science in global ecology (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B., Begossi, A., Roques, K., Pandeya, B., & August, T. (2016, August). Technological support for citizen science in global ecology. Presented at 5th International EcoSummit: Ecological Sustainability - Engineering Change, Montpelier, France

The contribution of volunteers in ecology is undeniable. With developments in mobile technology and social media, many predict their contribution to become even more significant. However, economic disparities across the world challenge this vision. T... Read More about Technological support for citizen science in global ecology.

Five minutes of face time (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B., Rivera, E., & Fotheringham, J. (2015, July). Five minutes of face time. Presented at 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain

Despite the disadvantages of large class sizes identified by Cuseo [1], it is no longer unusual for university class sizes to far exceed 100 students. According to Cuseo, students in large classes typically receive less frequent, poorer quality inter... Read More about Five minutes of face time.

Computing collaboration with ZZULI (2015)
Journal Article
Davison, B. (2015). Computing collaboration with ZZULI. Edinburgh Napier University Teaching Fellows Journal, Spring 2015,

This article describes an initiative to enhance international student cooperation through project work. The case study involves students from Edinburgh Napier University's School o Computing and from the International Education College at the Zhengzh... Read More about Computing collaboration with ZZULI.

Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL. (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B., & McEwan, T. (2012, October). Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL. Presented at FIE2012: 42nd Annual Frontiers in Education Conference

We reflect on the success of embedding legal, social, ethical and professional issues (LSEPI) into computing courses while at the same time encouraging a "growth mindset" in our students. We review the only compulsory course for our first year comput... Read More about Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL..

Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance (2012)
Journal Article
Aldali, Y., Davison, B., Muneer, T., & Henderson, D. (2012). Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 134,

This paper presents arguments for the use of direct steam generation (DSG) in preference to other forms of generation in particular locations according to the prevailing environmental and economic conditions. In addition, the paper describes the deve... Read More about Modeling the behavior of a 50MW DSG plant for southern Libya based on the thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of water substance.

Performance and student perception evaluation of cloud-based virtualised security and digital forensics labs. (2011)
Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Graves, J., Bose, N., Macfarlane, R., Davison, B., & Ludwiniak, R. (2011). Performance and student perception evaluation of cloud-based virtualised security and digital forensics labs. HEA ICS Conference,

This paper focuses on the integration of virtualised environments within the teaching of computer security and digital forensics, and includes three case studies. The first case study involves assessing student perception on the usage of VMware Works... Read More about Performance and student perception evaluation of cloud-based virtualised security and digital forensics labs..

Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. (2010)
Journal Article
Tham, Y. W., Muneer, T., & Davison, B. (2010). Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 31, 9-25.

Hourly solar radiation data are required in many building services applications. These are also reported in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Guides A & J. Data from 16 locations in the UK were used to evaluate the so called Li... Read More about Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models..

Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support (2007)
Journal Article
Hall, H., & Davison, B. (2007). Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support. Library and Information Science Research, 29(2), 163-187.

This article reports on an investigation of blog technology's potential for encouraging interaction between students, and its consequences in terms of peer learning and peer support, on a module of an accredited library and information science (LIS)... Read More about Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: The value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support.

Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Davison, B., & Buckner, K. (2005, April). Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. Presented at IFIP WG 9.3 HOIT2005 Conference, York

This paper presents preliminary findings on teenagers’ use of instant messaging (IM) as an example of an Internet technology. The results are quantitative, being drawn from the information held in users’ IM log files. The current purpose is to valida... Read More about Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users..

Using online discussion to support activities in online tutorials. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Beasley, N., Davison, B., & Hall, H. (2004, November). Using online discussion to support activities in online tutorials. Presented at 3rd European Conference on eLearning

Online discussion activities are commonly used to create online communities, foster peer and tutor support, encourage reflection and provide equal opportunities for participation, particularly for fully online students. This paper describes the use o... Read More about Using online discussion to support activities in online tutorials..