Dr Patrick Harte
Post Nominals | PFHEA |
Biography | Patrick joined Edinburgh Napier Business School in September 2004 direct from completing his PGCE in Further, Higher and Adult Education in Bolton Institute and Bury College. Patrick has been a Programme Leader at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels where he has been directly involved in new programme formulation and development, particularly with local Colleges and European partners. Patrick developed College based Higher Education Business management top-up degrees with Fife, Motherwell and West Lothian Colleges allowing College students the facility to articulate onto a degree programme in their local academic environments. Patrick also developed an extensive network of European partners who have engaged with the postgraduate double degree developed by Patrick within Edinburgh Napier Business School. This double degree has been very successful with in excess of 600 student benefiting from this programme over the past eight years. Patrick is (from August 2015 to present) the Business School Academic Lead for Student Experience, and in June 2017 wrote the successful Edinburgh Napier Business School bid for the BA (Hons) Business Management Graduate Level Apprenticeship programme through Skills Development Scotland. Patrick holds formal leadership posts in the areas of Line Manager: Strategy Operations and Entrepreneurship, SAL Student Experience, Senior Lecturer, Senior School Lead for Admissions, Widening Participation, Articulations, Induction and Academic Integrity. He also mentors colleagues, for instance, in applying for Principal/Senior Fellowship to the Higher Education Academy, and acts as a reviewer for applications up to and including the award of Principal Fellow. |
Research Interests | Patrick completed a DBA focused on an analysis of EHEA Business School approaches to the development, configuration and management of international academic alliances. The thesis developed new conceptual models based on resource dependence/commitment and strategic intent in developing and configuring an HEIs alliance portfolio for growth, stability and redundancy. Patrick is currently involved in supervising DBA students engaged in research in international tertiary education/academic projects. As extension of his work in developing the Employability Skills Programme, Patrick is currently involved in exploring students' transactional perspectives to non-credit bearing modules when introduced as compulsory components of their curricula. |
Teaching and Learning | Patrick has taught a range of modules on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, now specialising in Research Methods at Master level. He is currently the Business School Academic Lead for Student Experience with active roles in School and University Learning and Teaching Committees. Patrick has also acted as an External Examiner at Huddersfield University and UPMF in Grenoble as well as contributing to successful FIBAA accreditations for German partner institutions including FH Aachen, HFT Stuttgart, University of Applied Sciences Munich, and the ISM network. Since January 2020 Patrick has led the design, delivery and implementation of the Employability Skills Programme within The Business School. This project impacts on every undergraduate on-campus student embedding graduate attributes of critical-thinking and curiosity through effective communication and collaboration. Patrick is also involved in the initiatives at School and University levels to develop the positive ethos of academic integrity as opposed to the incumbent negative perspective of academic misconduct. |