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Dr Vicky Dimitriadi's Recognition (25)

Reviewer for Scientia Iranica, Sharif University of Technology

Reviewer for Ships and Offshore Structures, Taylor and Francis Online.

Reviewer for Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. An Elsevier Journal.

Reviewer for Open Engineering Journal, an open-access journal published by Walter de Gruyter.

�Numerical Simulation of Soil Dynamic Compaction Constanta ByPass, Interchange A2 Cumpana, Constanta, Romania�. A project funded by GT Ground Engineering & Construction Services

"Performance Based Design and Soil Improvement Methods of Shallow Foundations on Liquefiable Soils". Research co-funded by the European Union (ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Life Long Learning" of the National

�Issues of Geotechnical Engineering and Soil � Monument Interaction�. A project co?financed by the European Centre on Prevention & Forecasting of Earthquakes (E.C.P.F.E.) and the Earthquake Planning & Protection Organization of Greece (E.P.P.O.)

"Geotechnical Issues on the Seismic Protection of Monuments", 3rd Greece - Japan Workshop on Seismic Design, Observation and Retrofit of Foundations with Special Issue on Protection of Cultural Heritages, Sept. 22 - 23, Santorini

Technical Chamber of Greece

Undergraduate Fellowship, Greek State Scholarship Foundation

Scholar of the Fulbright Foundation

Fellow of the School of Civil and Environment Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA,

Graduate Scholar (PhD Level) of the Greek State Scholarship Foundation, Greece

Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V. �Numerical Evaluation of Lateral Spreading Displacements in Layered Soils�, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Valsamis A., Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G. "New Relationships for Liquefaction-induced Lateral Spreading in Gently Sloping Ground", 6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, Volos (in Greek).

Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V., Tsiapas Y., Tsioulou A. "Numerical Simulation of Drain Performance in Liquefiable Soils", 5th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, January 10 - 13, Santiago, Chile.

Valsamis A., Bouckovalas G., Dimitriadi V. "Parametric Investigation of Lateral Spreading in Free?Face Ground Formations". 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics & Symposium in honor of Pro

Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G., Aggelis ?. ''Analytical design methodology of shallow foundations on liquefiable ground with controlled ground improvement'', 7th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Athens, Greece (in Greek).

Dimitriadi V., Bouckovalas G. �Numerical simulation of seismically induced settlements of shallow foundations on remediated ground against liquefaction�, International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: from Case History to Practice, Istan

Bouckovalas G., Papadimitriou Ach., Dimitriadi V. �Gravel Drain Performance in Liquefiable Soils: Numerical Simulation and Applicability�, 2nd International Conference on Performance?based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Taormina, Italy.