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All Outputs (1437)

The humanities and Higher Education in the UK and beyond: lineages and legacies (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Frayn, A. (2024, February). The humanities and Higher Education in the UK and beyond: lineages and legacies. Presented at The Humanities Today: Global and Social Responsibilities, IIS University, Jaipur, India

I argue for the need to maintain democratic and egalitarian principles of access to higher education in the face of the many challenges of the present day. I think about this in terms of both the broadening of literary canons and the development of... Read More about The humanities and Higher Education in the UK and beyond: lineages and legacies.

Data-based bipartite formation control for multi-agent systems with communication constraints (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Zhao, H., Yu, H., Yang, R., & Li, J. (2024). Data-based bipartite formation control for multi-agent systems with communication constraints. Science Progress, 107(1),

This article investigates data-driven distributed bipartite formation issues for discrete-time multi-agent systems with communication constraints. We propose a quantized data-driven distributed bipartite formation control approach based on the plant’... Read More about Data-based bipartite formation control for multi-agent systems with communication constraints.

Robust Real-time Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement based on DNN and GAN (2024)
Journal Article
Gogate, M., Dashtipour, K., & Hussain, A. (online). Robust Real-time Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement based on DNN and GAN. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence,

The human auditory cortex contextually integrates audio-visual (AV) cues to better understand speech in a cocktail party situation. Recent studies have shown that AV speech enhancement (SE) models can significantly improve speech quality and intellig... Read More about Robust Real-time Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement based on DNN and GAN.

British Sign Language Detection Using Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensing and Residual Neural Network (2024)
Journal Article
Saeed, U., Shah, S. A., Ghadi, Y. Y., Hameed, H., Shah, S. I., Ahmad, J., & Abbasi, Q. H. (2024). British Sign Language Detection Using Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensing and Residual Neural Network. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(7), 11144-11151.

This study represents a significant advancement in Sign Language Detection (SLD), a crucial tool for enhancing communication and fostering inclusivity among the hearing-impaired community. It innovatively combines radar technology with deep learning... Read More about British Sign Language Detection Using Ultra-Wideband Radar Sensing and Residual Neural Network.

A comparison of dermal toxicity models; assessing suitability for safe(r)-by-design decision-making and for screening nanomaterial hazards (2024)
Journal Article
McLean, P., Marshall, J., García, A., Beal, D., Katsumiti, A., Carrière, M., & Boyles, M. (2024). A comparison of dermal toxicity models; assessing suitability for safe(r)-by-design decision-making and for screening nanomaterial hazards. Toxicology in Vitro, 97, Article 105792.

The objective of Safe-by-Design (SbD) is to support the development of safer products and production processes, and enable safe use throughout a materials' life cycle; an intervention at an early stage of innovation can greatly benefit industry by re... Read More about A comparison of dermal toxicity models; assessing suitability for safe(r)-by-design decision-making and for screening nanomaterial hazards.

Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach (2024)
Book Chapter
Campbell, T. (2024). Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach. In Mountain Biking, Culture and Society (125-140). Routledge.

This chapter outlines current approaches towards creating and promoting more sustainable mountain bike trails, and orients these within contemporary theoretical conceptualisations of sustainability. The value of practical initiatives that draw upon e... Read More about Sustainable mountain bike trails: towards a holistic approach.

The motivations, identities, and environmental sensibilities of contemporary e-mountain bike users (2024)
Book Chapter
Ingram-Sills, L. (2024). The motivations, identities, and environmental sensibilities of contemporary e-mountain bike users. In J. Cherrington (Ed.), Mountain Biking, Culture and Society. Routledge.

During an era of rapid technological improvement, the demand for e-mountain biking is growing. Furthermore, an older demographic of rider participates in e-mountain biking in comparison to traditional mountain biking. This chapter explores the indivi... Read More about The motivations, identities, and environmental sensibilities of contemporary e-mountain bike users.

“We know that he is gay, but how do we prove it?”: Police officer perspectives on the policing of queer people in Kenya (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wairuri, K. (2024, February). “We know that he is gay, but how do we prove it?”: Police officer perspectives on the policing of queer people in Kenya. Presented at Crime, Justice & Society Seminar Series, Edinburgh

This paper presents the findings of an exploratory field study to examine the perspectives and attitudes of police officers in Kenya towards queer people and their policing. The study finds that police officers hold differing and divergent views on q... Read More about “We know that he is gay, but how do we prove it?”: Police officer perspectives on the policing of queer people in Kenya.

Dead Men Walking (2024)
Book Chapter
Finley-Day, G., Bishop, D., Davis, A., Willsher, B., & Cook, B. (2024). Dead Men Walking. In Harry 20 on the High Rock + Dead Men Walking. Hachette

Issue 168: Harry 20 on the High Rock + Dead Men Walking

Nested Trial of Telehealth versus Conventional Hearing Care in ACHIEVE (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reed, N., Fakhreddin, R., Arnold, M., Calloway, H., Chisolm, T., Deal, J., Burgard, S., Goman, A., Gravens-Mueller, L., Huang, A., Mitchell, C., Pike, J., Coresh, J., Lin, F., & Sanchez, V. (2024, February). Nested Trial of Telehealth versus Conventional Hearing Care in ACHIEVE. Presented at American Auditory Society 52nd Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Objectives: The Aging & Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) was a randomized control trial of hearing intervention against a health education control on 3-year cognitive trajectories (n=977) at four sites in the United States (Jackson, MS... Read More about Nested Trial of Telehealth versus Conventional Hearing Care in ACHIEVE.

Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers to Hearing Healthcare: The Patient's Perspective (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kirkwood, M., Hussain, A., Porter-Armstrong, A., & Goman, A. (2024, February). Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers to Hearing Healthcare: The Patient's Perspective. Poster presented at American Auditory Society 52nd Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

Objectives: Despite the widespread prevalence of hearing loss, many individuals encounter substantial barriers to accessing hearing healthcare and using technology. These challenges include financial
limitations, navigating complex healthcare syste... Read More about Socioeconomic and Geographic Barriers to Hearing Healthcare: The Patient's Perspective.

A novel medical image data protection scheme for smart healthcare system (2024)
Journal Article
Rehman, M. U., Shafique, A., Khan, M. S., Driss, M., Boulila, W., Ghadi, Y. Y., Changalasetty, S. B., Alhaisoni, M., & Ahmad, J. (2024). A novel medical image data protection scheme for smart healthcare system. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 9(4), 821-836.

The Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) refers to a network of interconnected multimedia devices that communicate with each other over the Internet. Recently, smart healthcare has emerged as a significant application of the IoMT, particularly in the... Read More about A novel medical image data protection scheme for smart healthcare system.

Goliath is not the enemy: Fiddler crab species of similar size are stronger competitors than their larger adversaries in the climate change context (2024)
Journal Article
Borges, J. S., Arakaki, J. Y., Costa, T. M., & De Grande, F. R. (2024). Goliath is not the enemy: Fiddler crab species of similar size are stronger competitors than their larger adversaries in the climate change context. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 299, Article 108657.

Many intertidal species are expanding their distribution limits towards the poles as a consequence of increased temperature due to climate change. At the same time, some intertidal habitats have been reduced due to rising sea level... Read More about Goliath is not the enemy: Fiddler crab species of similar size are stronger competitors than their larger adversaries in the climate change context.

Training future engineers: Integrating Computational Thinking and effective learning methodologies into education (2024)
Journal Article
Herrero‐Álvarez, R., León, C., Miranda, G., & Segredo, E. (2024). Training future engineers: Integrating Computational Thinking and effective learning methodologies into education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 32(3), Article e22723.

This article examines the effectiveness and interest generated among primary and secondary education students through activities aimed at developing Computational Thinking skills, in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. The shift to... Read More about Training future engineers: Integrating Computational Thinking and effective learning methodologies into education.

Introduction: Denis Saurat on ‘“The Scottish Renaissance” Group’ (2024)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2024). Introduction: Denis Saurat on ‘“The Scottish Renaissance” Group’. Studies in Scottish literature, 49(1), 183-185.

Provides the biographical context and publication history for Denis Saurat’s essay ‘Le groupe de “la Renaissance Écossaise”’, which included Saurat’s French translation of some MacDiarmid poems, describes the essay’s importance in the history of the... Read More about Introduction: Denis Saurat on ‘“The Scottish Renaissance” Group’.

Introduction: Hugh MacDiarmid at 100 (2024)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2024). Introduction: Hugh MacDiarmid at 100. Studies in Scottish literature, 49(1), 3-10.

Explains the background for this special issue, Hugh MacDiarmid at 100, in the Scottish Revival Network’s conference in August 2022, which marked the centenary of Hugh MacDiarmid’s first appearance in print under that name in The Scottish Chapbook in... Read More about Introduction: Hugh MacDiarmid at 100.

'To "Meddle Wi' The Thistle"': C. M. Grieve's Scottish Chapbook, The Little Magazine, and the Dilemmas of Scottish Modernism (2024)
Journal Article
Lyall, S. (2024). 'To "Meddle Wi' The Thistle"': C. M. Grieve's Scottish Chapbook, The Little Magazine, and the Dilemmas of Scottish Modernism. Studies in Scottish literature, 49(1), 28-49.

Examines C. M. Grieve’s (Hugh MacDiarmid’s) most important journal enterprise, The Scottish Chapbook, which critics have assumed marks the beginning of a modernist Scottish renaissance. Against this view, this article argues that the range of contrib... Read More about 'To "Meddle Wi' The Thistle"': C. M. Grieve's Scottish Chapbook, The Little Magazine, and the Dilemmas of Scottish Modernism.

Spatial Neglect: An Exploration of Clinical Assessment Behaviour in Stroke Rehabilitation (2024)
Journal Article
Fisher, G., Quel de Oliveira, C., Stubbs, P. W., Power, E., Checketts, M., Porter-Armstrong, A., & Kennedy, D. S. (2024). Spatial Neglect: An Exploration of Clinical Assessment Behaviour in Stroke Rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 38(5), 688-699.

Objective: There is a large gap between evidence-based recommendations for spatial neglect assessment and clinical practice in stroke rehabilitation. We aimed to describe factors that may contribute to this gap, clinician perceptions of an ideal asse... Read More about Spatial Neglect: An Exploration of Clinical Assessment Behaviour in Stroke Rehabilitation.

The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa’s major land uses (2024)
Journal Article
Clements, H. S., Do Linh San, E., Hempson, G., Linden, B., Maritz, B., Monadjem, A., Reynolds, C., Siebert, F., Stevens, N., Biggs, R., De Vos, A., Blanchard, R., Child, M., Esler, K. J., Hamann, M., Loft, T., Reyers, B., Selomane, O., Skowno, A. L., Tshoke, T., …Woodhouse, G. M. (2024). The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa’s major land uses. Scientific Data, 11(1), Article 191.

Sub-Saharan Africa is under-represented in global biodiversity datasets, particularly regarding the impact of land use on species’ population abundances. Drawing on recent advances in expert elicitation to ensure data consistency, 200 experts were co... Read More about The bii4africa dataset of faunal and floral population intactness estimates across Africa’s major land uses.