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All Outputs (1562)

Examining the Disconnect Between Psychometric Models and Clinical Reality of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2017)
Journal Article
Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., Karatzias, T., Bisson, J. I., & Roberts, N. P. (2017). Examining the Disconnect Between Psychometric Models and Clinical Reality of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 47, 54-59

There have been many factor analytic studies aimed at testing alternative latent structures of DSM-IV and DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. The primary rationale for such studies is that determining the ‘best’ factor analytic model... Read More about Examining the Disconnect Between Psychometric Models and Clinical Reality of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pitropakis, N., Lyvas, C., & Lambrinoudakis, C. (2017, February). The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud. Presented at The Eighth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization, Athens, Greece

The financial crisis made companies around the world search for cheaper and more efficient solutions to cover their needs in terms of computational power and storage. Their quest came to end with the birth of Cloud Computing infrastructures. However,... Read More about The Greater The Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse: Facing Malicious Insiders in The Cloud.

Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship (2017)
Journal Article
Perchard, A., MacKenzie, N. G., Decker, S., & Favero, G. (2017). Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship. Business History, 59(6), 904-927.

On the back of recent and significant new debates on the use of history within business and management studies, we consider the perception of historians as being anti-theory and of having methodological shortcomings; and business and management schol... Read More about Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship.

‘Determined to breastfeed’: A case study of exclusive breastfeeding using interpretative phenomenological analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Charlick, S. J., Fielder, A., Pincombe, J., & McKellar, L. (2017). ‘Determined to breastfeed’: A case study of exclusive breastfeeding using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Women and Birth, 30(4), 325-331.

Given the significant benefits of breastfeeding, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Despite numerous strategies aimed at increasing the percentage of babies who are exclusively breastfed,... Read More about ‘Determined to breastfeed’: A case study of exclusive breastfeeding using interpretative phenomenological analysis.

Mitigating the effect of series capacitance unbalance on the voltage reduction capability of an auxiliary CSI used as switching ripple active filter (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Papadopoulos, S., Rashed, M., Klumpner, C., & Wheeler, P. (2016, September). Mitigating the effect of series capacitance unbalance on the voltage reduction capability of an auxiliary CSI used as switching ripple active filter. Presented at 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Milwaukee, WI, USA

The use of series connected capacitors for high voltage applications has been proven to be beneficial for voltage stress reduction across power semiconductors. In a 3-phase grid any asymmetry in the value of the series capacitance may lead to signifi... Read More about Mitigating the effect of series capacitance unbalance on the voltage reduction capability of an auxiliary CSI used as switching ripple active filter.

Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa. (2017)
Journal Article
Tropp, L. R., Hawi, D. R., O'Brien, T. C., Gheorghiu, M., Zetes, A., & Butz, D. A. (2017). Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 23(3), 239-249.

With surveys of Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Whites and Blacks in South Africa, this research examines how both contact quality and exposure to intergroup conflict predict attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors relevant to intergroup... Read More about Intergroup contact and the potential for post-conflict reconciliation: Studies in Northern Ireland and South Africa..

Readiness for Delivering Digital Health at Scale: Lessons From a Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation of a National Digital Health Innovation Program in the United Kingdom (2017)
Journal Article
Lennon, M. R., Bouamrane, M.-M., Devlin, A. M., O'Connor, S., O'Donnell, C., Chetty, U., Agbakoba, R., Bikker, A., Grieve, E., Finch, T., Watson, N., Wyke, S., & Mair, F. S. (2017). Readiness for Delivering Digital Health at Scale: Lessons From a Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation of a National Digital Health Innovation Program in the United Kingdom. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(2), Article e42.

Background: Digital health has the potential to support care delivery for chronic illness. Despite positive evidence from localized implementations, new technologies have proven slow to become accepted, integrated, and routinized at scale.

Objecti... Read More about Readiness for Delivering Digital Health at Scale: Lessons From a Longitudinal Qualitative Evaluation of a National Digital Health Innovation Program in the United Kingdom.

Patient Reported Outcome Measure of Spiritual Care as Delivered by Chaplains (2017)
Journal Article
Snowden, A., & Telfer, I. (2017). Patient Reported Outcome Measure of Spiritual Care as Delivered by Chaplains. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 23(4), 131-155.

Chaplains are employed by health organizations around the world to support patients in recognizing and addressing their spiritual needs. There is currently no generalizable measure of the impact of these interventions and so the clinical and strategi... Read More about Patient Reported Outcome Measure of Spiritual Care as Delivered by Chaplains.

Ocean Floating Solar Still (2017)
Muhammad Sukki, F., Jamieson, R., Arnott, S., Calarasu, M., Thomson, D., & Elliot, S. (2017). Ocean Floating Solar Still. Scottish Funding Council

Are developments in mental scanning and mental rotation related? (2017)
Journal Article
Wimmer, M. C., Robinson, E. J., & Doherty, M. J. (2017). Are developments in mental scanning and mental rotation related?. PLOS ONE, 12, Article e0171762.

The development and relation of mental scanning and mental rotation were examined in 4-, 6-, 8-, 10-year old children and adults (N = 102). Based on previous findings from adults and ageing populations, the key question was whether they develop as a... Read More about Are developments in mental scanning and mental rotation related?.

Glitchspace: teaching programming through puzzles in cyberspace (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Donald, I., & MacLeod, K. (2017, October). Glitchspace: teaching programming through puzzles in cyberspace. Presented at 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2017

There is an increasing need to address the player experience in games-based learning. Whilst games offer enormous potential as learning experiences, the balance between entertainment and education must be carefully designed and delivered. Successful... Read More about Glitchspace: teaching programming through puzzles in cyberspace.

Woman's Experience of Childbirth: Qualitative Analysis from Data Derived from the 30-Item-Birth-Satisfaction-Scale (2017)
Journal Article
Procter, S., Hollins Martin, C. J., Larkin, D., & Martin, C. R. (2017). Woman's Experience of Childbirth: Qualitative Analysis from Data Derived from the 30-Item-Birth-Satisfaction-Scale. Journal of Nursing and Practice, 1(1), 10-17

Background: The 30-Item-Birth-Satisfaction-Scale (30-item-BSS) was developed to evaluate women’s experiences of
Objective: To thematically analyse the qualitative responses to questions comprising the 30-item BSS questionnaire, to ident... Read More about Woman's Experience of Childbirth: Qualitative Analysis from Data Derived from the 30-Item-Birth-Satisfaction-Scale.

The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Urquhart, E. (2017, January). The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions. Presented at ENTER2017 eTourism Conference, PhD Workshop, Rome, Italy

As a sector reliant on the creation of memorable experiences, visitor attractions (VAs) have increasingly turned to interactive technology as a platform for engaging and communicating with visitors. However, little is known about how these technologi... Read More about The Role of Interactive Technology in the Co-creation of Experience in Scottish Visitor Attractions.

Ageism from the third age to the fourth age (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kydd, A. (2017, February). Ageism from the third age to the fourth age. Presented at Cost Action on Ageism

No abstract available.

Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development (2017)
Journal Article
Barron, P., & Ali-Knight, J. (2017). Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 30, 29-38.

The provision of event management education in the higher education sector has grown significantly in recent years, yet little is known of the circumstances of the increasing number of graduates from these programmes. This paper examines the motivati... Read More about Aspirations and progression of event management graduates: A study of career development.

Assistive technology for people with dementia: an overview and bibliometric study (2017)
Journal Article
Asghar, I., Cang, S., & Yu, H. (2017). Assistive technology for people with dementia: an overview and bibliometric study. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 34(1), 5-19.

This study presents an overview of recent research activities in assistive technology (AT) for people with dementia. Bibliometric studies are used to explore breadth and depth of different research areas, yet this method has not yet been... Read More about Assistive technology for people with dementia: an overview and bibliometric study.

STF-RNN: Space Time Features-based Recurrent Neural Network for predicting people next location (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Molegi, A., Jabreel, M., & Ghaleb, B. (2016, December). STF-RNN: Space Time Features-based Recurrent Neural Network for predicting people next location. Presented at 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Athens, Greece

This paper proposes a novel model called Space Time Features-based Recurrent Neural Network (STF-RNN) for predicting people next movement based on mobility patterns obtained from GPS devices logs. Two main features are involved in model operations, n... Read More about STF-RNN: Space Time Features-based Recurrent Neural Network for predicting people next location.

Explaining the surge in M&A as an entry mode: home country and cultural influences (2017)
Journal Article
Boateng, A., Du, M., Wang, Y., Wang, C., & Ahammad, M. F. (2017). Explaining the surge in M&A as an entry mode: home country and cultural influences. International Marketing Review, 34(1), 87-108.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the trends, patterns and the impact of cultural and home country macroeconomic influences on Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions (CBM&A) as foreign entry strategy for the period of 1998-2011.... Read More about Explaining the surge in M&A as an entry mode: home country and cultural influences.

Genetic optimization of fuzzy membership functions for cloud resource provisioning (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ullah, A., Li, J., Hussain, A., & Shen, Y. (2016, December). Genetic optimization of fuzzy membership functions for cloud resource provisioning. Presented at 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), Athens, Greece

The successful usage of fuzzy systems can be seen in many application domains owing to their capabilities to model complex systems by exploiting knowledge of domain experts. Their accuracy and performance are, however, primarily dependent on the desi... Read More about Genetic optimization of fuzzy membership functions for cloud resource provisioning.