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Celluloid Film Futures: How Printmaking Can Provide a Model for the Sustainability of Celluloid Film (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shemilt, E. (2015, September). Celluloid Film Futures: How Printmaking Can Provide a Model for the Sustainability of Celluloid Film. Presented at Impact 9: International Printmaking Conference, Hangzhou, China

This paper examines whether printmaking can serve as a model for the future sustainability of celluloid filmmaking in an era dominated by digital technologies. Once central to moving image art, celluloid film is now facing a crisis of accessibility,... Read More about Celluloid Film Futures: How Printmaking Can Provide a Model for the Sustainability of Celluloid Film.

Perceptions of a real event: Tensions between the seen and the unseen in performance and its video documentation (2015)
Book Chapter
Shemilt, E. (2015). Perceptions of a real event: Tensions between the seen and the unseen in performance and its video documentation. In L. Leuzzi, & S. Partridge (Eds.), Rewind Italia: Early Video Art in Italy / I primi anni della videoarte in Italia (291-301). John Libbey Publishing

The early international history of video art remains contested and most narratives focus upon a fragment. The narrative in Italy was by its nature international, and holds up a mirror to the development of video across the world. Italy was a vibrant... Read More about Perceptions of a real event: Tensions between the seen and the unseen in performance and its video documentation.

Observer Perception of Dominance and Mirroring Behavior in Human-Robot Relationships (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, J., Ju, W., & Nass, C. (2015, March). Observer Perception of Dominance and Mirroring Behavior in Human-Robot Relationships. Presented at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Portland, USA

How people view relationships between humans and robots is an important consideration for the design and acceptance of social robots. Two studies investigated the effect of relational behavior in a human-robot dyad. In Study 1, participants watched v... Read More about Observer Perception of Dominance and Mirroring Behavior in Human-Robot Relationships.

Handbuch Angewandter Dramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzählens – Film, TV und Games (2015)
Stutterheim, K. (2015). Handbuch Angewandter Dramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzählens – Film, TV und Games. Peter Lang.

Dramaturgie hat eine lange Tradition, auch im Bereich von Film- und Fernsehen. Kenntnisse der Dramaturgie ermöglichen es, einem Werk zu seiner bestmöglichen Entfaltung zu verhelfen, ohne diesem standardisierte Grenzen einer Formatvorlage aufzuerlegen... Read More about Handbuch Angewandter Dramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzählens – Film, TV und Games.

(De-)Konstruktion und Dramaturgie (2015)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2015). (De-)Konstruktion und Dramaturgie. In E. Prommer, M. Schuegraf, & C. Wegener (Eds.), Gender - Medien - Screens: (De)Konstruktionen aus wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Perspektive (223-234). UVK-Verlagsgesellschaft

Nationalsozialistische Filmproduktionen (2015)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2015). Nationalsozialistische Filmproduktionen. In W. Benz (Ed.), Handbuch des Antisemitismus (343-350). De Gruyter Saur

Supporting Breastfeeding Establishment among Socially Disadvantaged Women: A Meta-Synthesis (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
MacVicar, S. (2015, December). Supporting Breastfeeding Establishment among Socially Disadvantaged Women: A Meta-Synthesis. Poster presented at Robert Gordon University doctoral student conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

'Supporting Breastfeeding Establishment among Socially Disadvantaged Women: A Meta-Synthesis'. Poster presentation of a journal article based on doctoral findings.

A Double Auction for Querying the Web of Data (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Moor, D., Grubenmann, T., Seuken, S., & Bernstein, A. (2015, August). A Double Auction for Querying the Web of Data. Presented at The Third Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications, Chicago, US

Currently, the Web of Data (WoD) suffers from a lack of incentives for data providers. In this paper, we address this issue by designing a double auction to allocate answers (from data providers) to queries in the WoD. However, our domain exhibits a... Read More about A Double Auction for Querying the Web of Data.

Case Study: Primary Healthcare Clinical Placements during Nursing and Midwifery Education in Lesotho (2015)
Journal Article
Christensen, A., Phafoli, S., Butler, J., Nyangu, I., Skolnik, L., & Stender, S. (2015). Case Study: Primary Healthcare Clinical Placements during Nursing and Midwifery Education in Lesotho. World Health and Population, 16(2), 46-53.

In Lesotho, primary healthcare is the main access point for health services. While nurses and midwives provide most of the care at this level, assessments of the clinical education programs have highlighted gaps in primary healthcare experiences for... Read More about Case Study: Primary Healthcare Clinical Placements during Nursing and Midwifery Education in Lesotho.

hitchBOT (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
Smith, D. H., & Zeller, F. hitchBOT. [Mixed]. Exhibited at Heinz Nixdorf Computer Science Museum, Paderborn, Germany. 2015

hitchBOT (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
Zeller, F., & Smith, D. H. hitchBOT. [Mixed]. Exhibited at Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa. 2015

Project Sanitarium: gaming TB: a serious game for a serious problem (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Donald, I., Meyer, K. A., Brengman, J., Gillespie, S., & Bowness, R. (2015, September). Project Sanitarium: gaming TB: a serious game for a serious problem. Presented at 2015 7th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), Skovde, Sweden

Collaborative projects between Industry and Academia provide excellent opportunities for learning. Throughout the academic year 2014-2015 undergraduates from the School of Arts, Media and Computer Games at Abertay University worked with academics fro... Read More about Project Sanitarium: gaming TB: a serious game for a serious problem.

500x CPV Receiver with Integrated Micro-Finned Heat Sink (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Micheli, L., Sundaram, S., Reddy, K., & Mallick, T. K. (2015, April). 500x CPV Receiver with Integrated Micro-Finned Heat Sink. Presented at 11th Photovoltaic Science, Applications & Technology Conference (PVSAT-11), Leeds

Introduction The main aim of concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) is reducing the amount of the expensive semicondutive material by replacing part of it with a reflecting optics and, thus, increasing the density of the sunlight hitting a smaller cell. C... Read More about 500x CPV Receiver with Integrated Micro-Finned Heat Sink.

Increasing transparency of recommender systems for type 1 diabetes patients (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vargheese, J. P., Harrison, R., Balbontin, M. M., Aldea, A., & Brown, D. (2016, August). Increasing transparency of recommender systems for type 1 diabetes patients. Presented at Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes: 1st ECAI Workshop on Artificial intelligence for Diabetes at the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), The Hague, Holland

Self-management of type 1 diabetes is a challenging and complex task due the constant need for self monitoring and the diverse range of factors to consider in order to effectively regulate blood glucose levels. Recommender systems have been demonstra... Read More about Increasing transparency of recommender systems for type 1 diabetes patients.