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All Outputs (658)

Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions? (2017)
Journal Article
El-Alti, L., Sandman, L., & Munthe, C. (2019). Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions?. Health Care Analysis, 27(1), 45-59.

In contrast to standardized guidelines, personalized medicine and person centered care are two notions that have recently developed and are aspiring for more individualized health care for each single patient. While having a similar drive toward indi... Read More about Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions?.

It’s more than just luck: A qualitative exploration of breastfeeding in rural Australia (2017)
Journal Article
McKellar, L., Fleet, J., & Dove, S. (2018). It’s more than just luck: A qualitative exploration of breastfeeding in rural Australia. Women and Birth, 31(3), 177-183.

Despite significant public health benefits, breastfeeding for six months continues to be challenging for women.

In the Mid North of South Australia, healthcare professionals were concerned that breastfeeding rates were lower t... Read More about It’s more than just luck: A qualitative exploration of breastfeeding in rural Australia.

An examination of objectively-measured sedentary behavior and mental well-being in adults across week days and weekends (2017)
Journal Article
Gibson, A.-M., Muggeridge, D. J., Hughes, A. R., Kelly, L., & Kirk, A. (2017). An examination of objectively-measured sedentary behavior and mental well-being in adults across week days and weekends. PLOS ONE, 12(9), Article e0185143.

Limited research has explored the links between sedentary behaviour, mental health and quality of life. This study examines objectively measured sedentary behaviour and perceived mental health and quality of life across week days and week... Read More about An examination of objectively-measured sedentary behavior and mental well-being in adults across week days and weekends.

Dignity in nursing care: What does it mean to nursing students? (2017)
Journal Article
Mullen, R. F., Kydd, A., Fleming, A., & McMillan, L. (2017). Dignity in nursing care: What does it mean to nursing students?. Nursing Ethics,

Background: Despite growing interest in the potential of nursing education to enhance dignity in nursing care, relatively little is known about what dignity means to nursing students.
Research question: What meaning does dignity in nursing care have... Read More about Dignity in nursing care: What does it mean to nursing students?.

Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform? (2017)
Journal Article
Pilcher, N., & Tseng, P.-H. (2017). Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform?. Maritime Policy and Management, 44(8), 981-994.

Approaches by governments to reforming the way in which ports are governed is critical to how ports operate and fulfil their roles, and much research is devoted to investigating the impact of such reform,. Yet, although the challenges of such researc... Read More about Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform?.

Geometric analysis-based trajectory planning and control for underactuated capsule systems with viscoelastic property (2017)
Journal Article
Liu, P., Yu, H., & Cang, S. (2018). Geometric analysis-based trajectory planning and control for underactuated capsule systems with viscoelastic property. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40(7), 2416-2427.

This paper proposes a novel geometric analysis-based trajectory planning approach for underactuated capsule systems with viscoelastic property. The idea is to reduce complexity and to characterize coupling by imposing a harmonic drive and then to com... Read More about Geometric analysis-based trajectory planning and control for underactuated capsule systems with viscoelastic property.

Measuring the role of seagrasses in regulating sediment surface elevation (2017)
Journal Article
Potouroglou, M., Bull, J. C., Krauss, K. W., Kennedy, H. A., Fusi, M., Daffonchio, D., Mangora, M. M., Githaiga, M. N., Diele, K., & Huxham, M. (2017). Measuring the role of seagrasses in regulating sediment surface elevation. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 11917.

Seagrass meadows provide numerous ecosystem services and their rapid global loss may reduce human welfare as well as ecological integrity. In common with the other ‘blue carbon’ habitats (mangroves and tidal marshes) seagrasses are thought to provide... Read More about Measuring the role of seagrasses in regulating sediment surface elevation.

Keratins regulate β‐cell mitochondrial morphology, motility, and homeostasis (2017)
Journal Article
Silvander, J. S. G., Kvarnström, S. M., Kumari‐Ilieva, A., Shrestha, A., Alam, C. M., & Toivola, D. M. (2017). Keratins regulate β‐cell mitochondrial morphology, motility, and homeostasis. FASEB Journal, 31(10), 4578-4587.

Loss of the epithelial intermediate filament protein keratin 8 (K8) in murine β cells leads to irregular insulin vesicles and decreased insulin levels. Because mitochondria are central in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, the relationship between... Read More about Keratins regulate β‐cell mitochondrial morphology, motility, and homeostasis.

On the Covariance Matrix and Diversity Performance Evaluation of Compact Multiport Antenna Systems (2017)
Journal Article
Papamichael, V., & Karadimas, P. (2017). On the Covariance Matrix and Diversity Performance Evaluation of Compact Multiport Antenna Systems. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 65(11), 6140-6144.

In this communication, we present a new electromagnetic methodology that determines the covariance matrix of compact multiport antenna (MPA) systems at the early design stage. Further insight into this field is provided, as contrary to existing metho... Read More about On the Covariance Matrix and Diversity Performance Evaluation of Compact Multiport Antenna Systems.

Locally Excited State–Charge Transfer State Coupled Dyes as Optically Responsive Neuron Firing Probes (2017)
Journal Article
Sirbu, D., Butcher, J. B., Waddell, P. G., Andras, P., & Benniston, A. C. (2017). Locally Excited State–Charge Transfer State Coupled Dyes as Optically Responsive Neuron Firing Probes. Chemistry - A European Journal, 23(58), 14639-14649.

A selection of NIR-optically responsive neuron probes was produced comprising of a donor julolidyl group connected to a BODIPY core and several different styryl and vinylpyridinyl derived acceptor moieties. The strength of the donor–acceptor interact... Read More about Locally Excited State–Charge Transfer State Coupled Dyes as Optically Responsive Neuron Firing Probes.

Modifying Alcohol Consumption to Reduce Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study of a Complex Community-based Intervention for Men (2017)
Journal Article
Irvine, L., Crombie, I. K., Cunningham, K. B., Williams, B., Sniehotta, F. F., Norrie, J., Melson, A. J., Jones, C., Rice, P., Slane, P. W., Achison, M., McKenzie, A., Dimova, E. D., & Allan, S. (2017). Modifying Alcohol Consumption to Reduce Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study of a Complex Community-based Intervention for Men. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, 52(6), 677-684.

Being obese and drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week places men at very high risk of developing liver disease. This study assessed the feasibility of a trial to reduce alcohol consumption. It tested the recruitment strategy, en... Read More about Modifying Alcohol Consumption to Reduce Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study of a Complex Community-based Intervention for Men.

Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps in Risk Management (2017)
Journal Article
Al-Own, B., Minhat, M., & Gao, S. (2018). Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps in Risk Management. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 53, 200-214.

The use of stock options and credit default swaps (CDS) in banks is not uncommon. Stock options can induce risk-taking incentives, while CDS can be used to hedge against credit risk. Building on the existing literature on executive compensation and r... Read More about Stock Options and Credit Default Swaps in Risk Management.

Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers? (2017)
Journal Article
Curley, L. J., Murray, J., & MacLean, R. (2017). Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?. the Quarterly, 41-44

This discussion paper will look at heuristics (rule of thumb techniques for decision making), (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974) and their potential value. Typically, heuristics have been viewed negatively (Gigerenzer & Goldstein, 1996), with research sugges... Read More about Heuristics: The good, the bad, and the biased. What value can bias have for decision makers?.

Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study (2017)
Journal Article
Partridge, S. R., Grunseit, A. C., Gallagher, P., Freeman, B., O'Hara, B. J., Neubeck, L., Due, S., Paull, G., Ding, D., Bauman, A., Phongsavan, P., Roach, K., Sadler, L., Glinatsis, H., & Gallagher, R. (2017). Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(9), Article e323.

Background: Traditional in-person cardiac rehabilitation has substantial benefits for cardiac patients, which are offset by poor attendance. The rapid increase in social media use in older adults provides an opportunity to reach patients who are elig... Read More about Cardiac Patients’ Experiences and Perceptions of Social Media: Mixed-Methods Study.

Minimum sample size requirements for a validation study of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) (2017)
Journal Article
Martin, C. R., & Hollins Martin, C. J. (2017). Minimum sample size requirements for a validation study of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). Journal of Nursing and Practice, 1(2), 25-30

Introduction: The 10-item Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) is a theoretically anchored and easy to administer multi-dimensional measure of the birth satisfaction construct. The use of the BSS-R Internationally has led to an increasing number... Read More about Minimum sample size requirements for a validation study of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R).

An application of Bandura's ‘Four Sources of Self-Efficacy’ to the self-management of type 2 diabetes in people with intellectual disability: An inductive and deductive thematic analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Maine, A., Dickson, A., Truesdale, M., & Brown, M. (2017). An application of Bandura's ‘Four Sources of Self-Efficacy’ to the self-management of type 2 diabetes in people with intellectual disability: An inductive and deductive thematic analysis. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 70, 75-84.

Background: Little is known about the successful experiences and positive perceptions of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) self-managing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). This study sought to address this gap using Bandura’s (1977) ‘Four Sources of Se... Read More about An application of Bandura's ‘Four Sources of Self-Efficacy’ to the self-management of type 2 diabetes in people with intellectual disability: An inductive and deductive thematic analysis.

The Practice of Research Ethics in Lebanon and Qatar: Perspectives of Researchers on Informed Consent (2017)
Journal Article
Nakkash, R., Qutteina, Y., Nasrallah, C., Wright, K., El-Alti, L., Makhoul, J., & Al-Ali, K. (2017). The Practice of Research Ethics in Lebanon and Qatar: Perspectives of Researchers on Informed Consent. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 12(5), 352-362.

Informed consent requirements for conducting research with human participants are set by institutional review boards (IRBs) following established guidelines. Despite this, researchers continue to face challenges in seeking and obtaining informed cons... Read More about The Practice of Research Ethics in Lebanon and Qatar: Perspectives of Researchers on Informed Consent.

The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree (2017)
Journal Article
Snowden, A., Stenhouse, R., Duers, L., Marshall, S., Carver, F., Brown, N., & Young, J. (2018). The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 433-442.

To examine the relationship between baseline emotional intelligence and prior caring experience with completion of pre-registration nurse and midwifery education.
Selection and retention of nursing students is a global challenge. Em... Read More about The relationship between emotional intelligence, previous caring experience and successful completion of a pre-registration nursing/midwifery degree.

Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice (2017)
Journal Article
Mosey, H., Núñez, J. A., Goring, A., Clarkin, C. E., Staines, K. A., Lee, P. D., Pitsillides, A. A., & Javaheri, B. (2017). Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice. Frontiers in Materials, 4, Article 27.

SCLEROSTIN (Sost) is expressed predominantly in osteocytes acting as a negative regulator of bone formation. In humans, mutations in the SOST gene lead to skeletal overgrowth and increased bone mineral density, suggesting that SCLEROSTIN is a key reg... Read More about Sost deficiency does not alter bone’s lacunar or vascular porosity in mice.