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Movement time for motion-impaired users assisted by force-feedback: effects of movement amplitude, target width, and gravity well width (2005)
Journal Article
Hwang, F., Keates, S., Langdon, P., & Clarkson, P. J. (2005). Movement time for motion-impaired users assisted by force-feedback: effects of movement amplitude, target width, and gravity well width. Universal Access in the Information Society, 4, 85-95.

This paper presents a study investigating how the performance of motion-impaired computer users in ?point and click? tasks varies with target distance (A), target width (W), and force-feedback gravity well width (GWW). Six motion-impaired users perfo... Read More about Movement time for motion-impaired users assisted by force-feedback: effects of movement amplitude, target width, and gravity well width.

Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis (2005)
Journal Article
Arroll, B., Macgillivray, S., Ogston, S., Reid, I., Sullivan, F., Williams, B., & Crombie, I. (2005). Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis. Annals of Family Medicine, 3(5), 449-456.

PURPOSE Depression is common in primary care. There are no systematic reviews of depression treatment comparing antidepressants with placebo; hence, we do not know whether these medications are effective in primary care.

METHODS We searched the Co... Read More about Efficacy and tolerability of tricyclic antidepressants and SSRIs compared with placebo for treatment of depression in primary care: A meta-analysis.

Emotion recognition by children with Down syndrome: investigation of specific impairments and error patterns. (2005)
Journal Article
Williams, K. R., NaWishart, J. G., Pitcairn, T. K., & Willis, D. (2005). Emotion recognition by children with Down syndrome: investigation of specific impairments and error patterns. American journal of mental retardation : AJMR, 110, 387-392

The ability of children with Down syndrome to recognize expressions of emotion was compared to performance in typically developing and nonspecific intellectual disability groups matched on either MA or a performance-related measure. Our goal was to (... Read More about Emotion recognition by children with Down syndrome: investigation of specific impairments and error patterns..

Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market. (2005)
Journal Article
Wan, Q., & Lo, H. K. (2005). Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market. Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 6, 1740-1750.

Random utility models are often used to model traveler mode choice behavior in the demand analysis of a transit system. Transit operators might base their policy and operations planning on these estimates. The choice probability of these models is ex... Read More about Effect of attribute perceptions on mode choice behavior in a transit market..

An empirical study of cost efficiency in the Irish life insurance industry. (2005)
Journal Article
Hwang, T., & Gao, S. S. (2005). An empirical study of cost efficiency in the Irish life insurance industry. International journal of accounting, auditing and performance evaluation, 2, 264-280.

Contemporary studies of cost efficiency in the insurance industry have predominantly focused on large economies. This paper investigates scale economies and cost efficiency in the Irish life insurance industry by using the translog cost function and... Read More about An empirical study of cost efficiency in the Irish life insurance industry..

Free-CoA mediated regulation of intermediary and central metabolism: An hypothesis, which accounts for the excretion of α-ketoglutarate during aerobic growth of E. coli on acetate (2005)
Journal Article
El-Mansi, M. (2005). Free-CoA mediated regulation of intermediary and central metabolism: An hypothesis, which accounts for the excretion of α-ketoglutarate during aerobic growth of E. coli on acetate. Research in Microbiology, 156(8), 874-879.

During growth of Escherichia coli on acetate, phosphotransacetylase and -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase are in direct competition for their common co-factor, HS-CoA. Such competition is resolved in favour of phosphotransacetylase, thus rendering -ketogl... Read More about Free-CoA mediated regulation of intermediary and central metabolism: An hypothesis, which accounts for the excretion of α-ketoglutarate during aerobic growth of E. coli on acetate.

Comparison of risk factors for cerebral palsy in twins and singletons. (2005)
Journal Article
Bonellie, S., Currie, D., & Chalmers, J. (2005). Comparison of risk factors for cerebral palsy in twins and singletons. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 47, 587-591.

The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in rates of cerebral palsy (CP) between singletons and twins by considering factors that may be predictive of CP. Data were taken from the Scottish Register of Children with a Motor Deficit of C... Read More about Comparison of risk factors for cerebral palsy in twins and singletons..

Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland (2005)
Journal Article
Coull, A. (2005). Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland. Journal of Tissue Viability, 15(3), 28.

Best practice statements (BPS) were launched in Scotland in 2002 to encourage consistent evidence-based practice (EBP) by guiding practitioners in specific areas of care. This concurrent paper would outline BPS development and results of an evaluatio... Read More about Evaluating the introduction of nursing best practice statements in Scotland.

Organisational restructuring and downsizing: issues related to learning, training and employability of survivors (2005)
Journal Article
Carbery, R., & Garavan, T. N. (2005). Organisational restructuring and downsizing: issues related to learning, training and employability of survivors. Journal of European industrial training, 29(6), 488-508.

Purpose – This article sets out to look at how employees who have survived an organisational downsizing and restructuring process adjust to meet the dynamics of the organisation, develop new skills and competencies, and the extent to which they take... Read More about Organisational restructuring and downsizing: issues related to learning, training and employability of survivors.

The local destination tourism network: Development issues (2005)
Journal Article
Gibson, L., Lynch, P. A., & Morrison, A. (2005). The local destination tourism network: Development issues. Tourism and Hospitality Planning and Development, 2(2), 87-99.

Abstract Tourism networks are an increasingly important tool for economic development. At a local destination level, such networks have a potentially significant contribution to make towards sustainable tourism embracing community and commercial int... Read More about The local destination tourism network: Development issues.

Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach (2005)
Journal Article
Atton, C., & Wickenden, E. (2005). Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach. Journalism Studies, 6(3), 347-359.

This study is a first attempt to examine how the alternative media select, represent and deploy their news sources. The literature suggests that, in contrast to mainstream sourcing routines, the alternative media privilege “ordinary”, non-elite sourc... Read More about Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach.

Properties of new and recycled clay brick aggregates for use in concrete. (2005)
Journal Article
Khalaf, F., & De Venny, A. S. (2005). Properties of new and recycled clay brick aggregates for use in concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 17(4), 456-464.

The testing described in this paper was performed to establish the physical and mechanical properties of new and recycled crushed clay brick aggregates for use in portland cement concrete (PCC). Various physical and mechanical properties of eight dif... Read More about Properties of new and recycled clay brick aggregates for use in concrete..

Hippocalcin functions as a calcium sensor in hippocampal LTD (2005)
Journal Article
Palmer, C., Lim, W., Hastie, P. G. R., Toward, M., Korolchuk, V. I., Burbidge, S. A., Banting, G., Collingridge, G. L., Isaac, J. T. R., & Henley, J. M. (2005). Hippocalcin functions as a calcium sensor in hippocampal LTD. Neuron, 47(4), 487-494.

It is not fully understood how NMDAR-dependent LTD causes Ca2+-dependent endocytosis of AMPARs. Here we show that the neuronal Ca2+ sensor hippocalcin binds the β2-adaptin subunit of the AP2 adaptor complex and that along with GluR2 these coimmunopre... Read More about Hippocalcin functions as a calcium sensor in hippocampal LTD.

Emergency care for people with learning disabilities: What all nurses and midwives need to know (2005)
Journal Article
Brown, M. (2005). Emergency care for people with learning disabilities: What all nurses and midwives need to know. Accident and emergency nursing, 13(4), 224-231.

People with learning disabilities have high health needs and as a result will require access to all aspects of healthcare systems, including the emergency services. The evidence of the health needs experienced by this group is evolving and developing... Read More about Emergency care for people with learning disabilities: What all nurses and midwives need to know.

Hotel renovation within the context of new product development. (2005)
Journal Article
Hassanien, A. (2005). Hotel renovation within the context of new product development. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 6(2), 63-98.

This article reports the results of empirical research into the renovation practices adopted by hotels in Egypt, and the perception of general managers in this particular sector. Analyses of questionnaire results suggest that significantly different... Read More about Hotel renovation within the context of new product development..

Influence of RMS strain on optical band gap of ZincPhthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films (2005)
Journal Article
Sathyamoorthy, R., & Senthilarasu, S. (2006). Influence of RMS strain on optical band gap of ZincPhthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films. Solar Energy, 80(2), 201-208.

The Flash evaporated ZincPhthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films were analyzed using atomic force microscope (AFM). A homogeneous distribution of crystalline domains can be observed from the image. The crystallite size increases with increase in film thickn... Read More about Influence of RMS strain on optical band gap of ZincPhthalocyanine (ZnPc) thin films.

Wavelet analysis of the ECG: A review (2005)
Journal Article
Addison, P. (2005). Wavelet analysis of the ECG: A review. Physiological Measurement, 26(5), 155-199.

The wavelet transform has emerged over recent years as a powerful time–frequency analysis and signal coding tool favoured for the interrogation of complex nonstationary signals. Its application to biosignal processing has been at the forefront of the... Read More about Wavelet analysis of the ECG: A review.