Many Kenyans have embraced vigilante cops – an ineffective police force is to blame
Digital Artefact
Wairuri, K. (2022). Many Kenyans have embraced vigilante cops – an ineffective police force is to blame. [Blog post]
All Outputs (38)
Acoustics versus Psychoacoustics in Mixed Reality (2022)
Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2022). Acoustics versus Psychoacoustics in Mixed Reality. []In Mixed Reality there is often a highly understandable desire to capture the “ground truth” and to represent it in its entirety. A typically strong belief is that the greater the amount of resolution, the better potential sense of immersion. This... Read More about Acoustics versus Psychoacoustics in Mixed Reality.
HRD: 30 minutes with ... David McGuire (2022)
Digital Artefact
McGuire, D. (2022). HRD: 30 minutes with ... David McGuire. [Podcast]Dr. David McGuire, Reader in Human Resource Development (HRD) at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. Originally from the West of Ireland, he has spent the past 16 years teaching and research HRD in Scottish Universities. To date, he has publishe... Read More about HRD: 30 minutes with ... David McGuire.
Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue (2022)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2022). Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue. [online magazine]Professor Pete Robertson, Edinburgh Napier University, responds to the recent issue of Phoenix which focused on professionalism. He asks whether career development in HE is a separate profession or part of a wider careers profession. Exploring som... Read More about Thoughts on Professionalism: A reaction to the recent Phoenix special issue.
‘Nothing can replace the face-to-face event’ (?): A poetic turn (2022)
Digital Artefact
Illingworth, S. (2022). ‘Nothing can replace the face-to-face event’ (?): A poetic turn. [Blog post]What can poetry tell us about the future of academic conferences and our engagement with them?
France’s plan for solar panels on all car parks is just the start of an urban renewable revolution (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, D. (2022). France’s plan for solar panels on all car parks is just the start of an urban renewable revolution. [Blog post]France has approved legislation that will require all car parks with more than 80 spaces to be covered over by solar panels. This is part of a wider programme that will see solar panels occupy derelict lots, vacant land alongside roads and railways,... Read More about France’s plan for solar panels on all car parks is just the start of an urban renewable revolution.
Book Review: Power, Politics and the Law by Githu Muigai (2022)
Digital Artefact
Wairuri, K. (2022). Book Review: Power, Politics and the Law by Githu Muigai. []Prof Githu Muigai book, whose full title is Power, Politics and Law: Dynamics of constitutional change in Kenya, 1887- 2022 delves into the history of constitutional change from the colonial era to the present day, and will be found helpful by those... Read More about Book Review: Power, Politics and the Law by Githu Muigai.
Navigating Chronic Illness in Academia: An Early Career Perspective (2022)
Digital Artefact
Williams, R. (2022). Navigating Chronic Illness in Academia: An Early Career Perspective. [Blog post]
Learned Words – how poetry might help staff in HE to feel more at home (2022)
Digital Artefact
Illingworth, S. (2022). Learned Words – how poetry might help staff in HE to feel more at home. [Blog]
Using immersive tech to enrich healthcare education (2022)
Digital Artefact
McKenzie, C., Skinner, J., & Poole, A. Using immersive tech to enrich healthcare education. [Article]As virtual reality technology has become more affordable and user friendly, it opens opportunities to enhance teaching of clinical skills. Here’s how one team brings VR into the classroom
RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics (2022)
Digital Artefact
Kulpa, R. (2022). RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics. [Website]Website for the EU-funded research project "RESIST - Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics". Website available at:
On the moral limits of the labour market: Navigating ethical issues around occupational choice (2022)
Digital Artefact
Robertson, P. (2022). On the moral limits of the labour market: Navigating ethical issues around occupational choice. [Blog]This article does not have an abstract. It outlines some of the conplexities career advisers face when dealing with the wide range of occupations and industries that may be ethically problematic.
In One Ear, Out the Other (Jacob Danson Faraday on Cirque du Soleil) (2022)
Digital Artefact
Danson Faraday, J., & Hagood, M. (2022). In One Ear, Out the Other (Jacob Danson Faraday on Cirque du Soleil). [Podcast]
Blog: Celebrating Refugee Week 2022 in Falkirk (2022)
Digital Artefact
Guma, T. (2022). Blog: Celebrating Refugee Week 2022 in Falkirk. [Blog post]
Overview of the WoodProps Programme 2017-2020 Wood Properties for Ireland (2022)
Digital Artefact
Gil-Moreno, D., O’Ceallaigh, C., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Harte, A. (2022). Overview of the WoodProps Programme 2017-2020 Wood Properties for IrelandWood Properties for Ireland (WoodProps), funded by the Forest Sector Development Division of DAFM, is a joint Programme between the Timber Engineering Research Group (TERG) at NUI Galway (NUIG) and the Centre for Wood Science and Technology at Edinbu... Read More about Overview of the WoodProps Programme 2017-2020 Wood Properties for Ireland.
Writing Science Fiction: Top Tips from a Sci-Fi Bestseller (2022)
Digital Artefact
Lam, L. (2022). Writing Science Fiction: Top Tips from a Sci-Fi Bestseller. [Blog]A blog post for Jericho Writers on writing Science Fiction
BLOG - Why is working with administrative data important? (2022)
Digital Artefact
Jamieson, M. (2022). BLOG - Why is working with administrative data important?. [Blog post]
Toilet Graffiti: The Art of Latrinalia (2022)
Digital Artefact
Victoria, M. (2022). Toilet Graffiti: The Art of Latrinalia. [Radio interview]The lav, the loo, little boy’s or little girl’ room, bogger, crapper, pissoir, dunny or water closet - whatever you want to call it, it’s not the place that first comes to mind when you think of high end poetry. However, phrases like ‘For a good tim... Read More about Toilet Graffiti: The Art of Latrinalia.
E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E01 - 'Diary of the war' episode 1. [Podcast]This is episode 1 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers early September 1939.
E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5 (2022)
Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022). E05 - 'Diary of the war' episode 5. [Podcast]This is episode 5 of Lorna Lloyd’s ‘Diary of the war’, also including contemporaneous news (courtesy BBC Archive, British Newspaper Archive/FindMyPast/British Library). This episode covers April and early May 1940.