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All Outputs (290)

Quantitative Analysis of Low-Field NMR Signals in the Time Domain (2001)
Journal Article
Nordon, A., Gemperline, P. J., McGill, C. A., & Littlejohn, D. (2001). Quantitative Analysis of Low-Field NMR Signals in the Time Domain. Analytical Chemistry, 73(17), 4286-4294.

Two novel methods are described for direct quantitative analysis of NMR free induction decay (FID) signals. The methods use adaptations of the generalized rank annihilation method (GRAM) and the direct exponential curve resolution algorithm (DECRA).... Read More about Quantitative Analysis of Low-Field NMR Signals in the Time Domain.

Caring for adults with a learning disability in the community (2001)
Journal Article
Powrie, E. (2001). Caring for adults with a learning disability in the community. British Journal of Nursing, 10(14), 928-934.

A recurring theme within the literature is gaps in the delivery of services for people with a learning disability living in the community. These gaps occur between health professionals, primary and secondary care and specialisms within nursing. Gaps... Read More about Caring for adults with a learning disability in the community.

Towards an employability policy agenda for remote rural labour markets (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lindsay, C., McCracken, M. G., & McQuaid, R. W. (2001, July). Towards an employability policy agenda for remote rural labour markets. Presented at Social Policy Association/Irish Social Policy Association Conference

This paper presents an analysis of the barriers to work faced by unemployed people in remote rural labour markets, and compares the experiences of the ‘long-term unemployed’ and more recent job seekers in two such areas in Northern Scotland (namely t... Read More about Towards an employability policy agenda for remote rural labour markets.

Der Heimat zu. (2001)
Hails, J. (2001). Der Heimat zu. [Musical score]. Cheltenham, UK

This piano piece is written using a floating, non-functional tonal language that recalls the other composers featured in the programme, while remaining recognisably modern. It also conveys a sense of 'broken time', of scrambled perception and of a fi... Read More about Der Heimat zu..

Scottish string quartets. (2001)
Digital Artefact
Burrin, P., Bailey, M., Beaston, M., & Stanzeleit, S. (2001). Scottish string quartets

Landmark recording bringing together the works of four Scottish composers, Kelly (Kellie), Mackenzie, McEwan, and Wilson, representing the Classical, Romantic, and Impressionist periods respectively. This is also the first recording of any of them, a... Read More about Scottish string quartets..

Enabling computer access for motion-impaired users (2001)
Journal Article
Keates, S., Clarkson, P. J., & Robinson, P. (2001). Enabling computer access for motion-impaired users. European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics News, 46, 43-44

Conventional computer interfaces and input systems present serious difficulties to users with impaired motion. The Engineering Design Centre of the University of Cambridge, in conjunction with the Computer Laboratory, has been researching methods of... Read More about Enabling computer access for motion-impaired users.

The Yield of Marine Phytoplanckton Chlorophyll from Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen under Eutrophic Conditions (2001)
Edwards, V. R. The Yield of Marine Phytoplanckton Chlorophyll from Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen under Eutrophic Conditions. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

During 1999 ex-situ microcosm experiments were carried out at Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban using natural assemblages of microplankton (< 200 m in size) in a series of enrichment experiments using continuous culture techniques to determine q -... Read More about The Yield of Marine Phytoplanckton Chlorophyll from Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen under Eutrophic Conditions.

The right to education in Scotland. (2001)
Journal Article
Macfarlane, L.-A. B. (2001). The right to education in Scotland. The Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 23

An overview of the right to education in Scots law and how the rights and duties within the state system might be expected to change.

Role definition and structured progress for tissue viability nurses (2001)
Journal Article
Finnie, A. (2001). Role definition and structured progress for tissue viability nurses. British Journal of Nursing, 10(Sup2), S6-S7.

Guest Editorial.
Tissue viability nursing is a relatively new specialty. We know that tissue viability nurses (TVNs) are a valuable resource and that the development of a coordinated service can improve patient care, reduce both risk and costs, and... Read More about Role definition and structured progress for tissue viability nurses.

Knowledge: the key to organisational survival (2001)
Journal Article
Raeside, R., & Walker, J. (2001). Knowledge: the key to organisational survival. The TQM magazine, 13(3), 156-160.

In modern business the acquisition and management of information has become a competitive force. It can be argued that this has always been the case. Critical in the gathering of information and its analysis is the use of statistics, yet there rema... Read More about Knowledge: the key to organisational survival.

Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movements: the questions that need to be asked and answered. (2001)
Journal Article
Kerridge, J., Hine, J., & Wigan, M. (2001). Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movements: the questions that need to be asked and answered. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 28(3), 327-341.

Vulnerable road users have steadily attracted increased importance in transport and planning. The behaviour of pedestrian movements (especially in the areas off but adjacent to roads) requires improved tools to address the issues now being raised. Su... Read More about Agent-based modelling of pedestrian movements: the questions that need to be asked and answered..

A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation (2001)
Journal Article
Cottam, A., Ensor, J., & Band, C. (2001). A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation. European Journal of Innovation Management, 4(2), 88-94.

Describes the results of an empirical investigation of the FTSE 100 which was undertaken to ascertain whether UK industry is taking steps to address innovation at a strategic level within its organisations. In the research study, the appointment of s... Read More about A benchmark study of strategic commitment to innovation.

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001, June). Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. Presented at CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering. Conference, Interlaken, Switzerland

A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often takes the form of a federated schema, which is a global view of data taken fro... Read More about Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration..

Developing models of partnership in economic regeneration. (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mitchell, I., & McQuaid, R. W. (2001, June). Developing models of partnership in economic regeneration. Presented at 7th International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships

This paper tests some theoretical models of partnership by examining a specific partnership between a local authority and other private partners in the regeneration of a former naval base and industrial site at Rosyth in Fife. It suggests developmen... Read More about Developing models of partnership in economic regeneration..

Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets (2001)
Journal Article
Hall, H. (2001). Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets. Journal of Information Science, 27(3), 139-146.

The value of an intranet for knowledge management (KM) is largely dependent on the calibre of the content and tools that it provides to its users and its ultimate application in business operations. For many organisations, there is a particular dilem... Read More about Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets.

Risk analysis in construction networks using a modified stochastic model. (2001)
Journal Article
GUO, Q. L., Guo, Q. L., MAHER, M., & WAMUZIRI, S. (2001). Risk analysis in construction networks using a modified stochastic model. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 18(3), 215-241.

A review of construction network analysis indicates that new methods are needed for quantifying risks in project evaluation. The paper proposes a new analytical method, the Modified Stochastic Assignment Model (MSAM), for the prediction of project du... Read More about Risk analysis in construction networks using a modified stochastic model..