The open air electrical-field activated sintering and forming of micro components
Book Chapter
Zulkipli, M., Qin, Y., Yang, Y., Shaari, M. F., Ayub, A. S., & Muhammad-Sukki, F. (2019). The open air electrical-field activated sintering and forming of micro components. In T. N. H. B. T. Ismail, A. H. A. Rashid, M. N. Roslan, N. H. H. Hairom, F. H. M. Noh, T. N. A. R. Mamat, & S. H. Adnan (Eds.), Advanced Technology Centre: Research and Innovation (133-148). (2). UTHM: Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
As the demand for the miniature products has increased significantly, so also has the need for these products to be produced in a rapid, flexible and cost-efficient manner. The application of electroplasticity shows significant potential to produce t... Read More about The open air electrical-field activated sintering and forming of micro components.