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Core off-site manufacture industry drivers.

Hairstans, Robert; Duncheva, Tsvetomila


Tsvetomila Duncheva


Jack S. Goulding

Farzad Pour Rahimian


The manufacture and pre-assembly of components, elements or modules offsite before installation into their final location are evident throughout construction history. Medieval carpenters’ pre-manufacturing the frames of buildings in their yards to ensure onsite accuracy is a good example of this. However, labour shortages at the beginning of the nineeteenth century during a period of urbanisation and colonial expansion catalysed the first industrial scale exploitation of offsite techniques. Examples include the Manning cottage manufactured in England and subsequently shipped to Australia in the 1830s and the use of prefabricated timber balloon and platform frame techniques revolutionising construction practice as a result of the need to build rapidly in North America and Australia during a similar time (Herbert, 1978; Hairstans, 2010). The uptake and success of these forms of construction at an industrial scale were not simply as a result of one ‘driver’–they were as a result of a combination of ‘drivers’ correctly intersecting to instigate change.


Hairstans, R., & Duncheva, T. (2019). Core off-site manufacture industry drivers. In J. S. Goulding, & F. P. Rahimian (Eds.), Offsite Production and Manufacturing for Innovative Construction: People, Process and Technology. Taylor & Francis

Online Publication Date Jun 19, 2019
Publication Date Jun 25, 2019
Deposit Date Jun 25, 2019
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Series Title Offsite Production and Manufacturing for Innovative Construction
Book Title Offsite Production and Manufacturing for Innovative Construction: People, Process and Technology
Chapter Number 11
ISBN 978-1-138-55071-1 (paperback)
Public URL