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All Outputs (27)

Translated transcription of a focus group with participative councillors, for information literacy research in Brazil (2023)
Ryan, B., & Cruickshank, P. (2023). Translated transcription of a focus group with participative councillors, for information literacy research in Brazil. [Dataset].

This focus group took place on 24 January 2019, in São Paulo city hall. It was held in English and Portuguese with eight participative councillors, with in situ interpretation. The outcome of the research was a paper presenting an evaluation of the i... Read More about Translated transcription of a focus group with participative councillors, for information literacy research in Brazil.

Using Worker Position Data for Human-Driven Decision Support in Labour-intensive Manufacturing (2023)
Aslan, A., El-Raoui, H., Hanson, J., Vasantha, G., Quigley, J., Corney, J., & Sherlock, A. (2023). Using Worker Position Data for Human-Driven Decision Support in Labour-intensive Manufacturing. [Dataset].

This data contains the worker position datasets (including the event logs) and the source codes of the discrete event simulation that are used in the research article titled "Using Worker Position Data for Human-Driven Decision Support in Labour-inte... Read More about Using Worker Position Data for Human-Driven Decision Support in Labour-intensive Manufacturing.

SAtour: Sentiment analysis of Saudi Arabia Tourism Tweets (2023)
Basabain, S. (2023). SAtour: Sentiment analysis of Saudi Arabia Tourism Tweets. [Dataset].

SAtour is a new dataset of Arabic tweets in the tourism domain for Arabic SA. The total corpus size is 2293 tweets, after manual annotation these tweets were labeled as either positive, negative, or neutral. We present the detailed process of collect... Read More about SAtour: Sentiment analysis of Saudi Arabia Tourism Tweets.

UMC-in-FP Dataset (2022)
Chapman, P. UMC-in-FP Dataset. [Data].

This is the dataset which accompanies the paper "Experiences of Use-Modify-Create framework to teach functional programming"

DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland (2022)
Downey, L., Fonzone, A., & Fountas, G. (2022). DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland. [Data].

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Edinburgh Napier University’s Transport Research Institute has been undertaking a study, funded by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), into its impact on transport and travel in Scotland. As part of this research... Read More about DATASET: The impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour, transport, lifestyles and residential location choices in Scotland.

COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research (2021)
Plant, R., Hussain, A., & Sheikh, A. (2021). COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research. [Dataset].

We present a benchmark database of public social media postings from the United Kingdom related to the Covid-19 pandemic for academic research purposes, along with some initial analysis, including a taxonomy of key themes organised by keyword. This r... Read More about COVID-19 UK Social Media Dataset for Public Health Research.

Interactivity In Linear Diagrams Materials [dataset] (2021)
Chapman, P. (2021). Interactivity In Linear Diagrams Materials [dataset]. [Dataset].

This folder contains the:
- study materials
- participant responses
- amalgamated dataset
- analysis

that form part of the paper:
Chapman, Peter (2021) Interactivity in Linear Diagrams.

Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary) (2020)
Chapman, P., & Sim, K. (2021). Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary). [Dataset].

This folder contains the material to go with the article:

Peter Chapman, Kevin Sim, Huanghao Chen (2021) Drawing Algorithms for Linear Diagrams.

The code, the benchmark set of diagrams, the dataset of algorithms applied to the benchmark set, an... Read More about Drawing Algorithms For Linear Diagrams (Supplementary).

ASPIRE - Real noisy audio-visual speech enhancement corpus (2020)
Gogate, M., Dashtipour, K., Adeel, A., & Hussain, A. (2020). ASPIRE - Real noisy audio-visual speech enhancement corpus. [Data].

ASPIRE is a a first of its kind, audiovisual speech corpus recorded in real noisy environment (such as cafe, restaurants) which can be used to support reliable evaluation of multi-modal Speech Filtering technologies. This dataset follows the same sen... Read More about ASPIRE - Real noisy audio-visual speech enhancement corpus.

Antipattern comprehension dataset (2019)
Hou, T., & Chapman, P. (2019). Antipattern comprehension dataset. [Dataset].

Comprehension of justifications is known to be difficult for even experienced ontology engineers, and much more so for other stakeholders. In the paper associated with this data set, we presented two methods for displaying justifications using concep... Read More about Antipattern comprehension dataset.

Debugging Ontologies Dataset (2019)
Hou, T., & Chapman, P. (2019). Debugging Ontologies Dataset. [Dataset].

Visualization has been widely used for the representation of ontologies. However, to the best of our knowledge, visualization has been little employed in ontology debugging. Effective ontology debugging is crucial for engineers and domain experts to... Read More about Debugging Ontologies Dataset.

Measuring perceived clutter in concept diagrams dataset (2019)
Hou, T., & Chapman, P. (2019). Measuring perceived clutter in concept diagrams dataset. [Dataset].

Clutter in a diagram can be broadly defined as how visually complex the diagram is. It may be that different users perceive clutter in different ways, however. Moreover, it has been shown that, for certain types of diagrams and tasks, an increase in... Read More about Measuring perceived clutter in concept diagrams dataset.

Building Sustainability Assessment Method (BSAM) - for Countries in sub-Saharan region (2019)
Olawumi, T., & Chan, D. W. (2019). Building Sustainability Assessment Method (BSAM) - for Countries in sub-Saharan region. [Dataset].

This repository contains the full documentation for the BSAM scheme (green rating system) for countries in the sub-Saharan region of Africa.

The BSAM scheme forms part of a research project funded by the Sustainable City Lab and the Department of... Read More about Building Sustainability Assessment Method (BSAM) - for Countries in sub-Saharan region.

Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis (2019)
Davison, B. (2019). Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis. [Dataset].

This dataset was created in order to support comparative analyses concerning the relationships between meteorological parameters and wind turbine power output. It addresses some of the limitations of existing datasets such as those compiled for comme... Read More about Rich Data for Wind Turbine Power Performance Analysis.

Librarian Questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016 (2017)
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2017). Librarian Questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016. [Dataset].

Results of questionnaire emailed to senior public librarians in Scotland. Questions were around their support of Community Councils including support and training of Community Councillors information skills, for a project around information literacy... Read More about Librarian Questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016.

Geospatial Map of the Global Research on Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Generating and converting KML files to Map (2017)
Olawumi, T. O., & Chan, D. W. (2017). Geospatial Map of the Global Research on Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Generating and converting KML files to Map. [Dataset].

The animated map is handy for academics and practitioners, as a more dynamic alternative to scientific databases such as Scopus or ISI Web of Science in the quest to ease the identification of sustainability research publications within a city or reg... Read More about Geospatial Map of the Global Research on Sustainability and Sustainable Development: Generating and converting KML files to Map.

Community Council Liaison Officer questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016 (2017)
Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2017). Community Council Liaison Officer questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016. [Dataset].

Results of questionnaire emailed to all Community Council Liaison Officers (1) in Scotland. Questions were around their Community Councils' use of information skills, for a project around information literacy in community-level democracy.

(1) Com... Read More about Community Council Liaison Officer questionnaire data for IL-DEM project November - December 2016.