The role and value of student-led learning communities in post-experience professional education
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McLean, L. (2023, April). The role and value of student-led learning communities in post-experience professional education. Paper presented at 3rd UKCGE Conference on Postgraduate Taught Education, University of Nottingham
All Outputs (4576)
Leadership identity construction in a hybrid medical context: ‘Claimed’ but not ‘granted' (2023)
Journal Article
Howieson, B., Bushfield, S., & Martin, G. (2024). Leadership identity construction in a hybrid medical context: ‘Claimed’ but not ‘granted'. European Management Journal, 42(5), 745-756. the United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS), the growing number of hybrid clinical leaders has given rise to professional practice and identity struggles. Co-construction theories of leadership point to a need for leaders to engage in signifi... Read More about Leadership identity construction in a hybrid medical context: ‘Claimed’ but not ‘granted'.
Executory contracts in insolvency: The French perspective (2023)
Book Chapter
Ghio, E. (2023). Executory contracts in insolvency: The French perspective. In J. Chuah, & E. Vaccari (Eds.), Executory Contracts in Insolvency Law (311-328). Edward Elgar Publishing. France, executory contracts are mostly dealt with in Articles L622-13 and L641-11-1 of the Commercial Code. Insolvency proceedings do not automatically terminate executory contracts and the Code requires the counterparty to perform their obligatio... Read More about Executory contracts in insolvency: The French perspective.
Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals (2023)
Book Chapter
Roop, R., Weaver, M., Fonseca, A. P., & Matouq, M. (2023). Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals. In W. L. Filho, N. Aguilar-Rivera, B. Borsari, P. R. de Brito, & B. Andrade Guerra (Eds.), SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region (1-28). Springer. identified 169 targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to agriculture and smallholder farmers’ contributions toward eliminating human hunger globally between 2015 and 2030. Notwithstanding the potential of smallholder farming, t... Read More about Innovative Approaches in Smallholder Farming Systems to Implement the Sustainable Development Goals.
The associations of anger and hope with project retention decisions: A case study (2023)
Journal Article
Balatia, H., Wincenciak, J., & Buck, T. (2023). The associations of anger and hope with project retention decisions: A case study. PLOS ONE, 18(4), Article e0283322. role of emotions and cognition in entrepreneurship and strategic decision-making research has thus far been relatively neglected. In this research, we investigate how anger and hope may influence managers’ project retention decisions. While case... Read More about The associations of anger and hope with project retention decisions: A case study.
“I think … I feel …”: using projective techniques to explore socio-cultural aversions towards Indigenous tourism (2023)
Journal Article
Holder, A., Ruhanen, L., Walters, G., & Mkono, M. (2023). “I think … I feel …”: using projective techniques to explore socio-cultural aversions towards Indigenous tourism. Tourism Management, 98, Article 104778. aversions encompass a multitude of avoidant behaviours expressed in different forms and intensities. While there has been an increase in research on aversions that are somewhat underpinned by racism and discrimination, little research... Read More about “I think … I feel …”: using projective techniques to explore socio-cultural aversions towards Indigenous tourism.
Life insurance misselling and the influences of client attributes: evidence from China (2023)
Journal Article
Bi, S., & Gao, S. (2023). Life insurance misselling and the influences of client attributes: evidence from China. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 12, 219–237. studies have extensively explored factors that drive misselling behavior in life insurance markets, but considered little the influences of attributes of clients (particularly vulnerable clients) on unethical sales. Our study that is based on t... Read More about Life insurance misselling and the influences of client attributes: evidence from China.
Market segmentation and international diversification across country and industry portfolios (2023)
Journal Article
Umutlu, M., Yargı, S. G., & Zaremba, A. (2023). Market segmentation and international diversification across country and industry portfolios. Research in International Business and Finance, 65, Article 101954. conjecture that partially segmented stock indexes that are characterized by low correlation with the world market are mainly priced by local factors and should produce abnormal returns relative to a global asset-pricing model. This implies a negat... Read More about Market segmentation and international diversification across country and industry portfolios.
EU insolvency law: Cross-border insolvency law in comparative focus Gerard McCormack [Book review] (2023)
Journal Article
Ghio, E. (2023). EU insolvency law: Cross-border insolvency law in comparative focus Gerard McCormack [Book review]. International Insolvency Review, 32(1), 194-196.[Abstract unavailable.]
Difference Fosters Democracy - AI Flattens Difference (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kurtzke, S. (2023, April). Difference Fosters Democracy - AI Flattens Difference. Presented at 2nd Joint Conference on Digital Learning & Teaching, Edinburgh
Understanding International Students' Experiences with Assessments through Rich Pictures (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Victoria, M., & Ratz, S. (2023, April). Understanding International Students' Experiences with Assessments through Rich Pictures. Presented at Sustaining Connections – The Participatory and Intercultural Potential of Digital Learning, Edinburgh Napier University
Travelling towards the Holy Grail of Public Value: Are we nearly there yet? (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McMillan, J., & Anastasiadou, C. (2023, April). Travelling towards the Holy Grail of Public Value: Are we nearly there yet?. Paper presented at 73rd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference 2023, University of Liverpool
Organisational Growth In A Tech Start-up: an outline for E-placement Scotland placement and internship students (2023)
Digital Artefact
Cramphorn, C. (2023). Organisational Growth In A Tech Start-up: an outline for E-placement Scotland placement and internship students. [Slides]
Role of Festivals for Promoting Scottish Pilgrimage (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robertson, M. (2023, March). Role of Festivals for Promoting Scottish Pilgrimage. Paper presented at Pilgrimage Today: Routes to Flourishing Communities & Enterprise, Wexford
The EUACCEL project at Edinburgh Napier University: building effective cross-discipline teams to explore low carbon enterprise ideas (2023)
Book Chapter
Cramphorn, C., Brodie, J., & Fannin, N. (2023). The EUACCEL project at Edinburgh Napier University: building effective cross-discipline teams to explore low carbon enterprise ideas. In S. Norton, & L. Sear (Eds.), Embedding enterprise and entrepreneurship in higher education: An Advance HE case study collection (18-25). Advance HE
Political Hierarchy of Opening-Up Policy and China’s Carbon Reduction: Empirical Research Based on Spatial Regression Discontinuity (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, N., & Zhuang, Y. (2023). Political Hierarchy of Opening-Up Policy and China’s Carbon Reduction: Empirical Research Based on Spatial Regression Discontinuity. Sustainability, 15(7), Article 5995. paper constructs a counterfactual framework based on the opening-up policies of provinces in the eastern coastal region. It analyzes the role of the political hierarchy of the opening-up policy in China’s carbon reduction at the county level by... Read More about Political Hierarchy of Opening-Up Policy and China’s Carbon Reduction: Empirical Research Based on Spatial Regression Discontinuity.
CIPD Scotland Conference 2023 (2023)
Exhibition / Performance
McLean, L. CIPD Scotland Conference 2023. [Exhibition]. Exhibited at Edinburgh. 30 March 2023 - 30 March 2023
Entrepreneurial Crisis Management: How Small and Micro-Firms Prepare for and Respond to Crises (2023)
Sawang, S. (2023). Entrepreneurial Crisis Management: How Small and Micro-Firms Prepare for and Respond to Crises. Palgrave Macmillan. book explores the timely issue of how small businesses, micro firms and entrepreneurs respond to crises. A largely overlooked area of research, the author posits that by better understanding crisis management in small and micro firms, we can hel... Read More about Entrepreneurial Crisis Management: How Small and Micro-Firms Prepare for and Respond to Crises.
Negotiating interculturality in internationalising higher education: a multi-voiced exploration (2023)
Journal Article
Xu, F. H., Zhou, V. X., Penman, C., & Ratz, S. (2023). Negotiating interculturality in internationalising higher education: a multi-voiced exploration. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, 5(1), 93-121. this article, we examined an oft-observed ‘interaction problem’ in the internationalising classroom by adding some reflections on universities’ internationalisation-interculturality praxis. Drawing on existing research and examples, we scrutinised... Read More about Negotiating interculturality in internationalising higher education: a multi-voiced exploration.
Cruise revenue management: Cross-discipline literature review and development of an integrated cruise revenue management framework (2023)
Journal Article
Chu, A., & Hsu, C. (2023). Cruise revenue management: Cross-discipline literature review and development of an integrated cruise revenue management framework. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(10), 3542-3569. The study aims to adopt a holistic approach to understand cruise revenue management (RM) practices that cover ticket and onboard revenues, through a cross-disciplinary literature review and practitioner interviews. An integrated cruise RM fr... Read More about Cruise revenue management: Cross-discipline literature review and development of an integrated cruise revenue management framework.