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Factors Influencing the Maternal Life Balance of Flemish Mothers, a Cross-Sectional Study (2019)
Journal Article
Kuipers, J., Van Leugenhaege, L., Van de Craen, N., Van den Branden, L., Bleijenbergh, R., Mestdagh, E., & Van Rompaey, B. (2021). Factors Influencing the Maternal Life Balance of Flemish Mothers, a Cross-Sectional Study. Applied research in quality of life, 16(2), 611-627.

This cross-sectional study examined the levels of maternal life balance and its influencing factors. The sample was composed of 731 Flemish mothers who self-reported on perceived maternal life balance; maternal-infant bonding; emotional wellbeing and... Read More about Factors Influencing the Maternal Life Balance of Flemish Mothers, a Cross-Sectional Study.

It takes a village to raise a child. PATH project (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuipers, Y. (2019, November). It takes a village to raise a child. PATH project. Presented at Perinatal Quality Network (PQN) for perinatal mental health services, annual forum Royal College of Psychiatrists, London

Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kuipers, Y. (2019, November). Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review. Poster presented at ESPACOMP Congress, Porto, Portugal

Background: Non-medical prescribing is a new skill in midwifery practice. Information is needed on whether this is an activity that is feasible, appropriate, meaningful and effective.

Aim: To report on the determinants of midwife prescribing behav... Read More about Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review.

Traumatic childbirth experiences: practice‐based implications for maternity care professionals from the woman's perspective (2019)
Journal Article
Koster, D., Romijn, C., Sakko, E., Stam, C., Steenhuis, N., Vries, D., Willigen, I., & Fontein‐Kuipers, Y. (2020). Traumatic childbirth experiences: practice‐based implications for maternity care professionals from the woman's perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 34(3), 792-799.

Objective: To explore women’s traumatic childbirth experiences in order to make maternity care professionals more aware of women’s intrapartum care needs.

Method: A qualitative exploratory study with a constant comparison/grounded theory design wa... Read More about Traumatic childbirth experiences: practice‐based implications for maternity care professionals from the woman's perspective.

The general health questionnaire as a measure of emotional wellbeing in pregnant women (2019)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., Jomeen, J., Dilles, T., & Van Rompaey, B. (2019). The general health questionnaire as a measure of emotional wellbeing in pregnant women. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 14(6), 447-456.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to measure reliability, validity and accuracy of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) as a measure of emotional wellbeing in pregnant women; utility and threshold in particular.

Design/methodolog... Read More about The general health questionnaire as a measure of emotional wellbeing in pregnant women.

Young Dutch Millennial Women's Perspective towards Motherhood (2019)
Journal Article
Van Beeck, E. A., Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Baaima, I., & Schuiteman-Van Der Hoek, S. (2019). Young Dutch Millennial Women's Perspective towards Motherhood. Global women's health, 2(1), 42-47

This qualitative study explores perspectives towards motherhood of young Millennial women for preconception care purposes. The findings highlight the specific views that Millennial women have of motherhood: Mental mood boards portray both realistic a... Read More about Young Dutch Millennial Women's Perspective towards Motherhood.

Proactive behaviour in midwifery practice: A qualitative overview based on midwives’ perspectives (2019)
Journal Article
Mestdagh, E., Timmermans, O., Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Van Rompaey, B. (2019). Proactive behaviour in midwifery practice: A qualitative overview based on midwives’ perspectives. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, 20, 87-92.

Background: Midwifery practice is in the process of continuing developments and contemporary working conditions asking for proactive behaviour, which could increase work-efficiency, job satisfaction, commitment and coping attitudes towards stress res... Read More about Proactive behaviour in midwifery practice: A qualitative overview based on midwives’ perspectives.

Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review (2019)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Brouns, M., Driessen, E., Mestdagh, E., & Van Rompaey, B. (2019). Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review. Evidence Based Midwifery, 17(1), 27-34

Background: Non-medical prescribing is a new skill in midwifery practice. Information is needed on whether this is an activity that is feasible, appropriate, meaningful and effective.

Aim: To report on the determinants of midwife prescribing beha... Read More about Non-medical prescribing behaviour in midwifery practice: a mixed-methods review.

Dutch midwives’ views on and experiences with woman-centred care — A Q-methodology study (2019)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., de Groot, R., van Beeck, E., van Hooft, S., & van Staa, A. (2019). Dutch midwives’ views on and experiences with woman-centred care — A Q-methodology study. Women and Birth, 32(6), e567-e575.

Background: Woman-centred care is a philosophy for midwifery care management of the childbearing woman. There is no mutually recognised internalised way in midwifery to provide woman-centred care.

Objective: To reveal midwives’ distinct perspectiv... Read More about Dutch midwives’ views on and experiences with woman-centred care — A Q-methodology study.

Portrayal of Shared Decision-Making in Lifetime Documentary Series 'One Born Every Minute' (2019)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Van Duijvenbode, J., & Pluymaekers, M. (2019). Portrayal of Shared Decision-Making in Lifetime Documentary Series 'One Born Every Minute'. SM journal of nursing, 5(1),

Background: Pregnant women use childbirth reality programs to prepare themselves for childbirth. It is unknown how shared decision-making in intrapartum midwifery care is represented in televised birth. We aimed to explore the portrayal of shared dec... Read More about Portrayal of Shared Decision-Making in Lifetime Documentary Series 'One Born Every Minute'.

I-POEMS Listening to the voices of women with a traumatic birth experience (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Koster, D., Romijn, C., Sakko, E., Stam, C., Steenhuis, N., de Vries, D., & Willigen, I. V. (2018). I-POEMS Listening to the voices of women with a traumatic birth experience. Journal of Psychology and Cognition, 3(2), 29-36.

This qualitative study, utilizing a feminist perspective, aimed to explore and articulate women's recall of emotional birth trauma experiences. The reason being that one in every five women has a negative recall of childbirth and one in every nine wo... Read More about I-POEMS Listening to the voices of women with a traumatic birth experience.

Reports of work-related traumatic events: a mixed-methods study (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Duivis, H., Schamper, V., Schmitz, V., Stam, A., & Koster, D. (2018). Reports of work-related traumatic events: a mixed-methods study. European Journal of Midwifery, 2,

INTRODUCTION There is limited evidence of the effect and impact on midwives of being involved or witnessing traumatic work-related events. We categorised midwives’ selfreported traumatic work-related events and responses to an event and explored the... Read More about Reports of work-related traumatic events: a mixed-methods study.

Validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions to identify maternal distress in Dutch pregnant women (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Jomeen, J. (2019). Validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions to identify maternal distress in Dutch pregnant women. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 14(1), 33-45.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions for routine screening of maternal distress in Dutch antenatal care.

Design/methodology/approach – In this cohort design, the authors evaluated... Read More about Validity and accuracy of the Whooley questions to identify maternal distress in Dutch pregnant women.

‘ISeeYou’: A woman-centred care education and research project in Dutch bachelor midwifery education (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Romeijn, E., Zwijnenberg, A., Eekhof, W., & van Staa, A. (2018). ‘ISeeYou’: A woman-centred care education and research project in Dutch bachelor midwifery education. Health Education Journal, 77(8), 899-914.

Objective: To examine how student midwives in higher education learn to become competent and confident woman-centred practitioners.

Design: Participant observation study using a ‘buddy’ approach.

Setting: Bachelor of Midwifery students in one h... Read More about ‘ISeeYou’: A woman-centred care education and research project in Dutch bachelor midwifery education.

Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., De Groot, R., & Van Staa, A. (2018). Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus. European Journal of Midwifery, 2,

INTRODUCTION Woman-centered care has become a midwifery concept with implied meaning. In this paper we aim to provide a clear conceptual foundation of woman-centered care for midwifery science and practice. METHODS An advanced concept analysis was un... Read More about Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus.

How the Topic 'Transition to Parenthood' Relates to the Learning and Role Expectation of Dutch Student Midwives Who-Are-Mothers (2018)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Kogels, E., & Kolukirik, G. (2018). How the Topic 'Transition to Parenthood' Relates to the Learning and Role Expectation of Dutch Student Midwives Who-Are-Mothers. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 1-8

The aim of this qualitative exploratory study, using a constant comparison method, was to explore midwifery students who-are-mothers' perceptions on how the topic 'transition to parenthood' relates to their theoretical and clinical learning and role... Read More about How the Topic 'Transition to Parenthood' Relates to the Learning and Role Expectation of Dutch Student Midwives Who-Are-Mothers.

Conflicting Values (2018)
Journal Article
Kuipers, Y., den Hartog-van Veen, H., Klop, L., & Zondag, L. (2018). Conflicting Values. Clinical Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1(1),

Objective: The objective of the study was to explore the dilemma’s, the conflicting values, and their underlying factors that Dutch
midwives experience when they find it difficult to conform to, or to accommodate women’s care needs.

Methods: Qu... Read More about Conflicting Values.

ISeeYou – Evaluation of a woman-centred care pilot project in Bachelor midwifery education and research (2017)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., & Romeijn, E. (2018). ISeeYou – Evaluation of a woman-centred care pilot project in Bachelor midwifery education and research. Midwifery, 58, 1-5.

Aim: to evaluate the ISeeYou project that aims to equip first year Bachelor midwifery students to support them in their learning of providing woman-centred care.

Methods: the project has an ethnographic design. First year midwifery students buddie... Read More about ISeeYou – Evaluation of a woman-centred care pilot project in Bachelor midwifery education and research.

Shared Decision-Making Regarding Place of Birth–Mission Impossible or Mission Accomplished? (2017)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., Banda, A., Hassink, E. O., & Ruiter, D. D. (2017). Shared Decision-Making Regarding Place of Birth–Mission Impossible or Mission Accomplished?. Women's Health, 3(2), 36-44.

Aim: To explore Dutch pregnant women’s experiences of shared-decision making about place of birth to better understand this process for midwifery care purposes.

Design: Qualitative exploratory study with a constant comparison/grounded theory desig... Read More about Shared Decision-Making Regarding Place of Birth–Mission Impossible or Mission Accomplished?.

Responding to maternal distress: from needs assessment to effective intervention (2016)
Journal Article
Fontein-Kuipers, Y., van Limbeek, E., Ausems, M., de Vries, R., & Nieuwenhuijze, M. (2017). Responding to maternal distress: from needs assessment to effective intervention. International Journal of Public Health, 62(4), 441-452.

Objectives To perform a needs assessment of maternal distress to plan the development of an intervention for the prevention and reduction of antenatal maternal distress.

Methods We searched PubMed, OVID and EBSCO and applied the PRECEDE logic mode... Read More about Responding to maternal distress: from needs assessment to effective intervention.