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PTSD and complex PTSD in sentenced male prisoners in the UK: prevalence, trauma antecedents, and psychiatric comorbidities (2021)
Journal Article
Facer-Irwin, E., Karatzias, T., Bird, A., Blackwood, N., & MacManus, D. (2022). PTSD and complex PTSD in sentenced male prisoners in the UK: prevalence, trauma antecedents, and psychiatric comorbidities. Psychological Medicine, 52(13), 2794-2804.

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly prevalent within prison settings, yet is often unidentified and undertreated. Complex PTSD (CPTSD) has been recently formally recognised in the International Classification of Diseases 11th r... Read More about PTSD and complex PTSD in sentenced male prisoners in the UK: prevalence, trauma antecedents, and psychiatric comorbidities.

Complex PTSD symptoms mediate the association between childhood trauma and physical health problems (2021)
Journal Article
Ho, G. W., Karatzias, T., Vallières, F., Bondjers, K., Shevlin, M., Cloitre, M., Ben-Ezra, M., Bisson, J. I., Roberts, N. P., Astill Wright, L., & Hyland, P. (2021). Complex PTSD symptoms mediate the association between childhood trauma and physical health problems. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 142, Article 110358.

The ICD-11 reconceptualized Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a narrowly defined fear-based disorder, and introduced Complex PTSD (CPTSD) as a new diagnosis comprised of PTSD symptoms and symptoms of ‘Disturbances in Self-Organization’ (DSO) th... Read More about Complex PTSD symptoms mediate the association between childhood trauma and physical health problems.

The Authoritarian Dynamic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Nationalism and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment (2021)
Journal Article
Hartman, T. K., Stocks, T. V., Mckay, R., Gibson Miller, J., Levita, L., Martinez, A. P., Mason, L., Mcbride, O., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., Bennett, K., Hyland, P., Karatzias, T., Vallières, F., & Bentall, R. P. (2021). The Authoritarian Dynamic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Nationalism and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(7), 1274-1285.

Research has demonstrated that situational factors such as perceived threats to the social order activate latent authoritarianism. The deadly COVID-19 pandemic presents a rare opportunity to test whether existential threat stemming from an indiscrimi... Read More about The Authoritarian Dynamic During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects on Nationalism and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment.

Psychological characteristics associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Ireland and the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Murphy, J., Vallières, F., Bentall, R., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Hartmann, T., McKay, R., Bennett, K., Mason, L., Gibson-Miller, J., Levita, L., Martinez, A., Stocks, T., Karatzias, T., & Hyland, P. (2021). Psychological characteristics associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and resistance in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Nature Communications, 12(1), Article 29 (2021).

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Persistent Somatic Symptoms During the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Sense of Threat (2020)
Journal Article
Jowett, S., Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., & Karatzias, T. (2021). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Persistent Somatic Symptoms During the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Sense of Threat. Psychosomatic Medicine, 83(4), 338-344.

Persistent somatic symptoms, such as pain and fatigue, have been referred to as somatisation. Somatisation is commonly associated with histories of trauma and PTSD. Although previous research has demonstrated that PTSD can predict somatic... Read More about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Persistent Somatic Symptoms During the COVID-19 Epidemic: The Role of Sense of Threat.

Sexual Violence and Its Associated Psychosocial Effects in Ireland (2020)
Journal Article
Valliéres, F., Gilmore, B., Nolan, A., Maguire, P., Bondjers, K., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., Karatzias, T., & Hyland, P. (2022). Sexual Violence and Its Associated Psychosocial Effects in Ireland. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(11-12), NP9066-NP9088.

Current data on the prevalence and psychosocial correlates of sexual violence in the Republic of Ireland is lacking, with the most recent sexual abuse and violence survey dating back to 2001. The current study sought to identify what proportion of Ir... Read More about Sexual Violence and Its Associated Psychosocial Effects in Ireland.

A randomized controlled trial of a caregiver-facilitated problem-solving-based self-learning program for family carers of people with early psychosis (2020)
Journal Article
Tong Chien, W., Bressington, D., Lubman, D. I., & Karatzias, T. (2020). A randomized controlled trial of a caregiver-facilitated problem-solving-based self-learning program for family carers of people with early psychosis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), Article 9343.

Facilitated self-help and problem-solving strategies can empower and support family carers to cope with caregiving for people with severe mental illness. This single-blind multi-site randomized controlled trial examined the effects of a 5-month famil... Read More about A randomized controlled trial of a caregiver-facilitated problem-solving-based self-learning program for family carers of people with early psychosis.

The Need for Research on PTSD in Children and Adolescents: A commentary on Elliot et al., 2020 (2020)
Journal Article
Cloitre, M., Brewin, C. R., Kazlauskas, E., Lueger-Schuster, B., Karatzias, T., Hyland, P., & Shevlin, M. (2021). The Need for Research on PTSD in Children and Adolescents: A commentary on Elliot et al., 2020. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(3), 277-279.

The recent release of the 11th version of The International Classification of Diseases (ICD‐11: WHO, 2018) marked a significant departure from the previous similarities between it and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐5;... Read More about The Need for Research on PTSD in Children and Adolescents: A commentary on Elliot et al., 2020.

Monitoring the psychological, social, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the population: Context, design and conduct of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study (2020)
Journal Article
McBride, O., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., Gibson-Miller, J., Hartman, T. K., Hyland, P., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., Mckay, R., Stocks, T. V., Bennett, K. M., Vallières, F., Karatzias, T., Valiente, C., Vazquez, C., & Bentall, R. P. (2021). Monitoring the psychological, social, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the population: Context, design and conduct of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 30(1), Article e1861.

Objectives: The C19PRC Study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the adult population of the UK, Republic of Ireland, and Spain. This paper describes the conduct of the first two waves of the UK survey (the ‘parent’ strand of the Co... Read More about Monitoring the psychological, social, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the population: Context, design and conduct of the longitudinal COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study.

Anxiety, Depression, Traumatic Stress, and COVID-19 Related Anxiety in the UK General Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Gibson Miller, J., Hartman, T. K., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., McKay, R., Stocks, T. V., Bennett, K. M., Hyland, P., Karatzias, T., & Bentall, R. P. (2020). Anxiety, Depression, Traumatic Stress, and COVID-19 Related Anxiety in the UK General Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic. BJPsych Open, 6(6), Article e125.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis necessitating drastic changes to living conditions, social-life, personal freedom and economic activity. No study has yet examined the presence of psychiatric symptoms in th... Read More about Anxiety, Depression, Traumatic Stress, and COVID-19 Related Anxiety in the UK General Population During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Meaningful in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Response to Van Overmeire's Commentary on Karatzias et al. (2020) (2020)
Journal Article
Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., & Karatzias, T. (2020). Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Meaningful in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Response to Van Overmeire's Commentary on Karatzias et al. (2020). Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33(5), 866-868.

In a recently published study in this journal that used a population‐based sample in the Republic of Ireland (Karatzias et al., 2020), we concluded that 17.7% of the sample met the diagnostic requirements for COVID‐19–related posttraumatic stress dis... Read More about Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Meaningful in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Response to Van Overmeire's Commentary on Karatzias et al. (2020).

Can subjective perceptions of trauma differentiate between ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD? A Cross-cultural Comparison of Three African Countries (2020)
Journal Article
Palgi, Y., Karatzias, T., Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2021). Can subjective perceptions of trauma differentiate between ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD? A Cross-cultural Comparison of Three African Countries. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(2), 142-148.

Background: The primary aim of the current study was to establish the cut-offs scores for the Subjective Traumatic Outlook (STO), a relatively new tool that examines the introspective world view of those exposed to traumatic events. This tool was dev... Read More about Can subjective perceptions of trauma differentiate between ICD-11 PTSD and Complex PTSD? A Cross-cultural Comparison of Three African Countries.

Does requiring trauma exposure affect rates of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD? Implications for DSM-5 (2020)
Journal Article
Hyland, P., Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Mcelroy, E., Ben-Ezra, M., Cloitre, M., & Brewin, C. R. (2021). Does requiring trauma exposure affect rates of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD? Implications for DSM-5. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 13(2), 133-141.

Objective: There is little evidence that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is more likely to follow traumatic events defined by Criterion A than non-Criterion A stressors. Criterion A events might have greater predictive validity for ICD-11 PTSD w... Read More about Does requiring trauma exposure affect rates of ICD-11 PTSD and complex PTSD? Implications for DSM-5.

Psychological and pharmacological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid mental health problems following complex traumatic events: systematic review and component network meta-analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Coventry, P. A., Meader, N., Melton, H., Temple, M., Dale, H., Wright, K., Cloitre, M., Karatzias, T., Bisson, J., Roberts, N. P., Brown, J. V. E., Barbui, C., Churchill, R., Lovell, K., McMillan, D., & Gilbody, S. (2020). Psychological and pharmacological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid mental health problems following complex traumatic events: systematic review and component network meta-analysis. PLOS Medicine, 17(8), Article e1003262.

Background: Complex traumatic events associated with armed conflict, forcible displacement, childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence are increasingly prevalent. People exposed to complex traumatic events are at not only at risk of post-traumatic... Read More about Psychological and pharmacological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid mental health problems following complex traumatic events: systematic review and component network meta-analysis.

Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD): Implications for Trauma-Focused Therapies (2020)
Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Fyvie, C., Grandison, G., Garozi, M., Latham, E., Sinclair, M., Ho, G. W. K., McAnee, G., Ford, J. D., & Hyland, P. (2020). Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD): Implications for Trauma-Focused Therapies. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), Article 1793599.

We set out to test, using latent variable modelling, whether adverse and benevolent childhood experiences could be best described as a single continuum or two correlated constructs. We also modelled the relationship between adverse and b... Read More about Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD): Implications for Trauma-Focused Therapies.

ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and Adjustment Disorder (AjD): The importance of stressors and traumatic life events (2020)
Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Hyland, P., Fyvie, C., Grandison, G., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2021). ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and Adjustment Disorder (AjD): The importance of stressors and traumatic life events. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 34(2), 191-202.

Although ICD-11 adjustment (AjD), posttraumatic stress (PTSD) and complex posttraumatic stress (CPTSD) are commonly diagnosed disorders following exposure to stressful or traumatic life events, their dimensional structure and co-occurren... Read More about ICD-11 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD (CPTSD) and Adjustment Disorder (AjD): The importance of stressors and traumatic life events.

Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Karatzias, T., Bentall, R. P., Martinez, A., & Vallières, F. (2020). Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 142(3), 249-256.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland resulted in a nationwide quarantine on March 27th, 2020. This study represents the first assessment of rates of anxiety and depression in the general population of Ireland during the pandemic.

Aims: Our... Read More about Anxiety and depression in the Republic of Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posttraumatic stress symptoms and associated comorbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: A population based study (2020)
Journal Article
Karatzias, T., Shevlin, M., Murphy, J., Mcbride, O., Ben-Ezra, M., Bentall, R. P., Vallières, F., & Hyland, P. (2020). Posttraumatic stress symptoms and associated comorbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: A population based study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33(4), 365-370.

The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as it relates to people’s experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to determined. This study was conducted to determine rates of COVID-19 related PTSD in the Irish general population, the lev... Read More about Posttraumatic stress symptoms and associated comorbidity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland: A population based study.

Trauma, PTSD, and Complex PTSD in the Republic of Ireland: Prevalence, service use, comorbidity, and risk factors (2020)
Journal Article
Hyland, P., Vallières, F., Cloitre, M., Ben-Ezra, M., Karatzias, T., Olff, M., Murphy, J., & Shevlin, M. (2021). Trauma, PTSD, and Complex PTSD in the Republic of Ireland: Prevalence, service use, comorbidity, and risk factors. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 56, Article 649-658 (2021).

Purpose: This study represents the first assessment of the prevalence of trauma exposure, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (CPTSD), ever conducted in the general population of the Republic of Ireland. Additionally, prevalence... Read More about Trauma, PTSD, and Complex PTSD in the Republic of Ireland: Prevalence, service use, comorbidity, and risk factors.