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All Outputs (70)

The effects of H2O dilution in CH4/air autoignition and NOx generation (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tingas, S., Kyritsis, D., & Goussis, D. (2016, March). The effects of H2O dilution in CH4/air autoignition and NOx generation. Poster presented at Future Fuels Workshop, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Tingas, S., Kyritsis, D., & Goussis, D. (2016, March). The effects of H2O dilution in CH4/air autoignition and NOx generation. Poster presented at Future Fuels Workshop, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.

Ignition delay control of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous autoignition with the use of various additives (2015)
Journal Article
Tingas, E. A., Kyritsis, D. C., & Goussis, D. A. (2016). Ignition delay control of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous autoignition with the use of various additives. Fuel, 169, 15-24.

The effect of selected additives on the ignition delay of ethanol (EtOH)/air and dimethylether (DME)/air mixture is investigated. Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) tools are utilized in an effort to determine algorithmically which species to... Read More about Ignition delay control of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous autoignition with the use of various additives.

The mechanism by which CH2O and H2O2 additives affect the autoignition of CH4/air mixtures (2015)
Journal Article
Manias, D. M., Tingas, E. A., Frouzakis, C. E., Boulouchos, K., & Goussis, D. A. (2016). The mechanism by which CH2O and H2O2 additives affect the autoignition of CH4/air mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 164, 111-125.

When the fast dissipative time scales become exhausted, the evolution of reacting processes is characterized by slower time scales. Here the case where these slower time scales are of explosive character is considered. This feature allows for the acq... Read More about The mechanism by which CH2O and H2O2 additives affect the autoignition of CH4/air mixtures.

Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures (2015)
Journal Article
Tingas, E. A., Kyritsis, D. C., & Goussis, D. A. (2015). Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 162(9), 3263-3276.

The autoignition kinetics of DME/air and EtOH/air stoichiometric mixtures are compared with the use of algorithmic tools from the CSP method at a range of initial conditions that refers to the operation of reciprocating engines. DME and EtOH are two... Read More about Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures.

Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tingas, S., Kyritsis, D., & Goussis, D. (2015, June). Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures. Paper presented at 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Rhodes, Greece

Tingas, S., Kyritsis, D., & Goussis, D. (2015, June). Autoignition dynamics of DME/air and EtOH/air homogeneous mixtures. Paper presented at 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Rhodes, Greece.

The explosive dynamics in the vicinity of the third explosion limit in H2/air autoignition (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tingas, S., Turanyi, T., & Goussis, D. (2015, April). The explosive dynamics in the vicinity of the third explosion limit in H2/air autoignition. Paper presented at 15th International Conference Numerical Combustion, Avignon, France

Tingas, S., Turanyi, T., & Goussis, D. (2015, April). The explosive dynamics in the vicinity of the third explosion limit in H2/air autoignition. Paper presented at 15th International Conference Numerical Combustion, Avignon, France.

Algorithmic identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development of explosive modes in n-heptane/air autoignition (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Manias, D. M., Tingas, E., & Goussis, D. A. (2015, March). Algorithmic identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development of explosive modes in n-heptane/air autoignition. Paper presented at 7th European Combustion Meeting, Budapest, Hungary

The dynamics of two stage adiabatic auto-ignition of a homogeneousn-heptane/air mixture at constant volume isanalyzed algorithmically, using the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method. The fast dynamics of thisreactive system become exhaust... Read More about Algorithmic identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development of explosive modes in n-heptane/air autoignition.

The dynamics of H2/air autoignition around the 3rd explosion limit (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tingas, S., Turanyi, T., & Goussis, D. (2015, March). The dynamics of H2/air autoignition around the 3rd explosion limit. Poster presented at High Pressure and High Reynolds Combustion Workshop, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Tingas, S., Turanyi, T., & Goussis, D. (2015, March). The dynamics of H2/air autoignition around the 3rd explosion limit. Poster presented at High Pressure and High Reynolds Combustion Workshop, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.