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Algorithmic identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development of explosive modes in n-heptane/air autoignition

Manias, Dimitris M.; Tingas, Efstathios; Goussis, Dimitris A.


Dimitris M. Manias

Dimitris A. Goussis


The dynamics of two stage adiabatic auto-ignition of a homogeneousn-heptane/air mixture at constant volume isanalyzed algorithmically, using the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) method. The fast dynamics of thisreactive system become exhausted, while the slow dynamics is characterized by time scales that are of explosive char-acter; i.e. the components of the system that generate these scales tend to lead the system away from equilibrium. Thereactions that are responsible for the generation of these time scales and the species that relate with the explosivemodes are identified with CSP-tools.


Manias, D. M., Tingas, E., & Goussis, D. A. (2015, March). Algorithmic identification of the reactions that support or oppose the development of explosive modes in n-heptane/air autoignition. Paper presented at 7th European Combustion Meeting, Budapest, Hungary

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 7th European Combustion Meeting
Start Date Mar 30, 2015
End Date Apr 2, 2015
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2020
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