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Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework. (2008)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2008). Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework. In K. Michael, & M. Michael (Eds.), Australia and the new technologies: Evidence based policy on public administration. [Proceedings of the] Third RSNA Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security: Evidence based policy on public administration 23-24 July 2008 Canberra (49-58). Australian Homeland Security Research Centre

This paper addresses the conflicts of the inherent strains between evidence based policy and contestable evidence based policy under the strictures of a National Security
framework. The shifts in attitudes as to what is acceptable in the applicatio... Read More about Governance and evidence based policy under a National Security framework..

A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. (2008)
Book Chapter
Wigan, M. (2008). A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together. In S. Holland (Ed.), Remote relationships in a small world (277-284). Peter Land

Small children, a time consuming job, and remote living are not conducive to a happy life. Why does one choose to do it? If one has to, how can one arrange one's life to make a family work? What can communications do to help? It is easy to ask the qu... Read More about A remote marriage: The theory and practice of being apart and staying together..

You are where you have been. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clarke, R. A., & Wigan, M. (2008, July). You are where you have been. Presented at Seminar on 'Location Privacy'

Location is a critical aspect of both privacy and surveillance. A detailed record of locations allows all sorts of other information to be linked together, adding to information about the subject and his or her associates in the same way that a uniq... Read More about You are where you have been..

A new data, document and geospatial repository: knowledge base and project support for a major international railway project. (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M., Kukla, R., Benjamins, M., & Grashoff, P. (2008, April). A new data, document and geospatial repository: knowledge base and project support for a major international railway project. Poster presented at Third International Conference on Open Repositories

The simplicity of the basic design has proved to be robust to the changing and varied needs of different ?clients?, but the complexity of the intellectual property issues engendered by the mix of commercial, open source and hand rolled software has p... Read More about A new data, document and geospatial repository: knowledge base and project support for a major international railway project..

The modelling of motorcycle ownership and usage: a UK study (2007)
Journal Article
Burge, P., Fox, J., Kouvenhoeven, M., Rohr, C., & Wigan, M. R. (2007). The modelling of motorcycle ownership and usage: a UK study. Transportation research record, 2031(1), 59-68.

This paper presents work, undertaken for the UK Department for Transport, to help determine how policy could affect motorcycle usage. There are two important choices that determine potential motorcycle use: the decision to own a motorcycle, and conti... Read More about The modelling of motorcycle ownership and usage: a UK study.

RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project. (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M., Kukla, R., Benjamins, M., & Grashoff, P. (2007, October). RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project. Presented at European transport conference 2007

The paper places data and document access, use and exploration systems in the context of the Data Observatories movement, as well as the document repository systems now becoming mandated for universities. It will show how taking these developments in... Read More about RKB: A Knowledge base to support research documentation, data, GIS, spatial data and communications for a major rail freight project..

How do you decide when to repeat transport surveys? (2007)
Journal Article
Wigan, M., Smith, N., & Timmis, B. (2007). How do you decide when to repeat transport surveys?. Australasian Transport Research Forum, 1-23

Sustainable transport requires a perspective that extends beyond the present and beyond the transport system itself. To view sustainability properly requires more sophisticated models than we currently employ, and more data than we currently collect.... Read More about How do you decide when to repeat transport surveys?.

Owning identity-one or many-do we have a choice? (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M. (2007, October). Owning identity-one or many-do we have a choice?. Presented at Second Workshop on Social Implications of National Security

The rapid growth of databases, biometrics, and RFID has led to an environment where identity-related technologies are approaching a critical mass as a potential means of controlling the population. The essential aspects of these diverse technical adv... Read More about Owning identity-one or many-do we have a choice?.

The ReOrient knowledge base. (2007)
Wigan, M., & Kukla, R. (2007). The ReOrient knowledge base

REORIENT will create a Knowledge Base, which will serve as a repository of information, data and outputs from its analytical work and will support the Commission in formulating the terms of reference for the Integrated Project. The Knowledge Base wil... Read More about The ReOrient knowledge base..

Transport surveillance: social impacts. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wigan, M., & Clarke, R. A. (2006, September). Transport surveillance: social impacts. Presented at European Transport Conference

The growth in ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) and other potentially problematic surveillance applications has been occurring at the same time as measures such as data registration and data protection legislation have become mainstream. The accele... Read More about Transport surveillance: social impacts..

What's wrong with freight models and what should we do about it? (2006)
Journal Article
Southworth, F., & Wigan, M. (2006). What's wrong with freight models and what should we do about it?. Transportation research record,

After many years of neglect, freight, freight operations, and commodity flow models are now attracting substantial attention, and there is a wide perception among transportation analysts that they all need a careful overhaul. In this paper the range... Read More about What's wrong with freight models and what should we do about it?.

Social impacts of transport surveillance. (2006)
Journal Article
Wigan, M., & Clarke, R. A. (2006). Social impacts of transport surveillance. Prometheus, 24(4), 389-404.

The transport sector is a natural focal point for surveillance measures to combat the threat of terrorism. It is also a complex environment that offers many examples of the social impacts of contemporary surveillance. Surveillance needs to be assesse... Read More about Social impacts of transport surveillance..

Integrating Information About Complex Systems: Role of Metadata in the Acceptability of Results from Models (2006)
Journal Article
Westlake, A., & Wigan, M. (2006). Integrating Information About Complex Systems: Role of Metadata in the Acceptability of Results from Models. Transportation research record, 1972, 60-68.

Opus is a project funded by the European Union Statistical Agency (Eurostat). The project is developing a methodology for the coherent and consistent integration of information from multiple sources about complex systems (based on Bayesian statistica... Read More about Integrating Information About Complex Systems: Role of Metadata in the Acceptability of Results from Models.

Matching user demand and technical supply for the design of traveller information systems. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, N., Salim, V., Gannon, J., Olaru, D., & Wigan, M. (2005, January). Matching user demand and technical supply for the design of traveller information systems. Presented at Transportation Research Board 84th Annual Meeting

The majority of states across Australia have a publicly funded traveller information service in operation. They clearly provide some benefits to the travelling public, but there has been limited reported analysis of user opinions of the services and... Read More about Matching user demand and technical supply for the design of traveller information systems..