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What's wrong with freight models and what should we do about it?

Southworth, Frank; Wigan, Marcus


Frank Southworth

Marcus Wigan


After many years of neglect, freight, freight operations, and commodity flow models are now attracting substantial attention, and there is a wide perception among transportation analysts that they all need a careful overhaul. In this paper the range of applications and issues associated with different forms of freight model are considered. Confusion about what one can do with a given model is often founded on a lack of transparency as to the domain of application for which the model was originally designed and set up. In this paper the authors offer a framework for placing existing freight models in the context of both the temporal targets and the valid domains of application for which they were originally developed. A conclusion of this exercise is that, while existing freight models are simply not up to the task of forecasting future freight activity, there are a number of uses for which these models are well suited. This includes the ability to “predict the present”, an objective and also a technical challenge that has been much under-rated to date. The appropriate action is to assess what the user feels is missing, and to rebalance research efforts to match.


Southworth, F., & Wigan, M. (2006). What's wrong with freight models and what should we do about it?. Transportation research record,

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2006
Deposit Date Apr 1, 2009
Publicly Available Date Apr 1, 2009
Journal Transportation research record
Print ISSN 0361-1981
Publisher National Academy of Sciences
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Freight models; Freight operations models; Commodity flow models; Temporal targets; Domains of application; Predictive modelling;
Public URL
Additional Information The revised paper of 19pp appears in this repository. The original paper was presented at the TRB 85th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers CD-ROM. Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. Location: Washington DC, United States. Date: 20060122 - 20060126.


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