Cohort profile: the Scottish Research register SHARE. A register of people interested in research participation linked to NHS data sets
Journal Article
McKinstry, B., Sullivan, F. M., Vasishta, S., Armstrong, R., Hanley, J., Haughney, J., Philip, S., Smith, B. H., Wood, A., & Palmer, C. N. A. (2017). Cohort profile: the Scottish Research register SHARE. A register of people interested in research participation linked to NHS data sets. BMJ Open, 7(2), e013351.
Purpose Recruitment to trials is often difficult. Many trials fail to meet recruitment targets resulting in underpowered studies which waste resources and the time of those who participated. While there is evidence that many people are willing to tak... Read More about Cohort profile: the Scottish Research register SHARE. A register of people interested in research participation linked to NHS data sets.