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All Outputs (169)

A self-adaptive image normalization and quaternion PCA based color image watermarking algorithm (2012)
Journal Article
Lang, F.-N., Zhou, J.-L., Cang, S., Yu, H., & Shang, Z. (2012). A self-adaptive image normalization and quaternion PCA based color image watermarking algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(15), 12046-12060.

This paper proposes a novel robust digital color image watermarking algorithm which combines color image feature point extraction, shape image normalization and QPCA (quaternion principal component algorithm) based watermarking embedding (QWEMS) and... Read More about A self-adaptive image normalization and quaternion PCA based color image watermarking algorithm.

Activity classification using a single wrist-worn accelerometer (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chernbumroong, S., Atkins, A. S., & Yu, H. (2011, September). Activity classification using a single wrist-worn accelerometer. Presented at 5th International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA 2011), Benevento, Italy

Automatic identification of human activity has led to a possibility of providing personalised services in different domains i.e. healthcare, security and sport etc. With advancement in sensor technology, automatic activity recognition can be done in... Read More about Activity classification using a single wrist-worn accelerometer.

Modelling and motion control of a double-pendulum driven cart (2011)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Yu, H., & Cang, S. (2012). Modelling and motion control of a double-pendulum driven cart. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 226(2), 175-187.

The significant advantage of ground mobile robots (GMRs) is their accessibility to areas that are inaccessible for humans. One difficulty of current GMR technology is that the external driving mechanisms, such as wheel, track, and leg, restrict its a... Read More about Modelling and motion control of a double-pendulum driven cart.

Self-contained capsubot propulsion mechanism (2011)
Journal Article
Huda, M. N., Yu, H.-N., & Wane, S. O. (2011). Self-contained capsubot propulsion mechanism. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 8(3), 348-356.

In this paper, a self contained capsubot (capsule robot) propulsion mechanism is investigated. The proposed capsubot works on the principle of internal force-static friction. A modified linear DC motor is used to drive the capsubot. A novel accelerat... Read More about Self-contained capsubot propulsion mechanism.

Adaptive neural network tracking control of robot manipulators with prescribed performance (2011)
Journal Article
Xie, X.-L., Hou, Z.-G., Cheng, L., Ji, C., Tan, M., & Yu, H. (2011). Adaptive neural network tracking control of robot manipulators with prescribed performance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 225(6), 790-797.

In this paper, a controller for robot manipulators is proposed to guarantee the tracking error of the systems bounded by predefined decreasing boundary. In this control scheme, a multi-layer neural network is used to approximate the unknown non-linea... Read More about Adaptive neural network tracking control of robot manipulators with prescribed performance.

Design, kinematics, simulation, and experiment for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot (2011)
Journal Article
Wang, H., Shi, X., Liu, H., Li, L., Hou, Z., & Yu, H. (2011). Design, kinematics, simulation, and experiment for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 225(6), 860-872.

This paper investigates and proposes a lower-limb rehabilitation robot that is used to help patients with lower-limb paralysis to improve and resume physical functions. The proposed rehabilitation robot has the feature that three rotary joints consis... Read More about Design, kinematics, simulation, and experiment for a lower-limb rehabilitation robot.

Modelling and remote control of an excavator (2010)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Hasan, M. S., & Yu, H.-N. (2010). Modelling and remote control of an excavator. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 7(3), 349-358.

This paper presents the results of an on-going project and investigates modelling and remote control issues of an industry excavator. The details of modelling, communication, and control of a remotely controllable excavator are studied. The paper mai... Read More about Modelling and remote control of an excavator.

Co-simulation of wireless networked control systems over mobile ad hoc network using SIMULINK and OPNET (2009)
Journal Article
Hasan, M., Yu, H., Carrington, A., & Yang, T. (2009). Co-simulation of wireless networked control systems over mobile ad hoc network using SIMULINK and OPNET. IET Communications, 3(8), 1297-1310.

Wireless networked control systems (WNCS) over mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a new area of research and has many potential applications, for instance, military or rescue missions, exploring hazardous environments, and so on. For performance evalua... Read More about Co-simulation of wireless networked control systems over mobile ad hoc network using SIMULINK and OPNET.

A further study of control for a pendulum-driven cart (2008)
Journal Article
Yu, H., Yang, T., Liu, Y., & Wane, S. (2008). A further study of control for a pendulum-driven cart. International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 1(1), 44.

Recently, the control of a ‘pendulum-driven cart’has attracted some considerable research interest. One of the reasons is that the mechanism studied is very similar to that of an ‘actively-driven capsule robot’which is still under development and wil... Read More about A further study of control for a pendulum-driven cart.

Analysis and Control of a Capsubot (2008)
Journal Article
Liu, Y., Yu, H., & Yang, T. (2008). Analysis and Control of a Capsubot. IFAC papers online, 41(2), 756-761.

In this paper, a special underactuated system – a capsule robot, also called capsubot, is studied to investigate the tracking control issue of underactuated dynamic systems. A seven-step motion strategy of the capsubot is proposed. A trajectory profi... Read More about Analysis and Control of a Capsubot.

Closed-loop tracking control of a pendulum-riven cart-pole underactuated system (2008)
Journal Article
Yu, H., Liu, Y., & Yang, T. (2008). Closed-loop tracking control of a pendulum-riven cart-pole underactuated system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 222(2), 109-125.

This paper investigates a new modelling and control issue: the tracking control problem of underactuated dynamic systems by using a special example – a pendulum-driven cart-pole system. A dynamic model of a pendulum-driven cart-pole system is firstly... Read More about Closed-loop tracking control of a pendulum-riven cart-pole underactuated system.

Tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yu, H., Liu, Y., & Yang, T. (2007, October). Tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system. Presented at 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Montreal, QC, Canada

In this paper, we use an example - a pendulum-driven cart-pole system studied in Li et al. (2005) to investigate the tracking control of underactuated dynamic systems. In this paper, we propose a six-step motion strategy of the pendulum driven cart-p... Read More about Tracking control of a pendulum-driven cart-pole underactuated system.

Intelligent Learning Algorithms for Active Vibration Control (2007)
Journal Article
Madkour, A., Hossain, M. A., Dahal, K. P., & Yu, H. (2007). Intelligent Learning Algorithms for Active Vibration Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 37(5), 1022-1033.

This correspondence presents an investigation into the comparative performance of an active vibration control (AVC) system using a number of intelligent learning algorithms. Recursive least square (RLS), evolutionary genetic algorithms (GAs), general... Read More about Intelligent Learning Algorithms for Active Vibration Control.

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of oil aeration on the load-carrying capacity of a hydrodynamic journal bearing (2007)
Journal Article
Goodwin, M. J., Dong, D., Yu, H., & Nikolajsen, J. L. (2007). Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of oil aeration on the load-carrying capacity of a hydrodynamic journal bearing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 221(7), 779-786.

It is widely assumed that the presence of air bubbles in the lubricating oil of a hydrodynamic bearing gives rise to a reduced load-carrying capacity, because of the high compressibility and low viscosity of the air and its tendency, therefore, to up... Read More about Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of oil aeration on the load-carrying capacity of a hydrodynamic journal bearing.

Simulation of Distributed Wireless Networked Control Systems over MANET using OPNET (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hasan, M. S., Yu, H., Griffiths, A., & Yang, T. C. (2007, April). Simulation of Distributed Wireless Networked Control Systems over MANET using OPNET. Presented at 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, London, UK

This paper investigates the simulation of distributed wireless networked control systems (WNCS) over mobile ad-hoc network (MANET). The simulation model includes multiple plants with a single controller and random node mobility. The widely used netwo... Read More about Simulation of Distributed Wireless Networked Control Systems over MANET using OPNET.

An Interface between MATLAB and OPNET to Allow Simulation of WNCS with MANETs (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harding, C., Griffiths, A., & Yu, H. (2007, April). An Interface between MATLAB and OPNET to Allow Simulation of WNCS with MANETs. Presented at 2007 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, London, UK

MATLAB is a software simulator which is good for simulating the mathematical modeling and feedback control, while OPNET is a software tool which is good for simulating the network communication behavior. However, currently simulating the communicatio... Read More about An Interface between MATLAB and OPNET to Allow Simulation of WNCS with MANETs.

Modeling and control of hybrid machine systems — a five-bar mechanism case (2006)
Journal Article
Yu, H. (2006). Modeling and control of hybrid machine systems — a five-bar mechanism case. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 3(3), 235-243.

A hybrid machine (HM) as a typical mechantronic device, is a useful tool to generate smooth motion, and combines the motions of a large constant speed motor with a small servo motor by means of a mechanical linkage mechanism, in order to provide a po... Read More about Modeling and control of hybrid machine systems — a five-bar mechanism case.

Modeling delay and packet drop in Networked Control Systems using network simulator NS2 (2005)
Journal Article
Hasan, M. S., Harding, C., Yu, H., & Griffiths, A. (2005). Modeling delay and packet drop in Networked Control Systems using network simulator NS2. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2(2), 187-194.

Wireless Networked Control Systems (WNCS) are used to implement a control mechanism over a wireless network that is capable of carrying real-time traffic. This field has drawn enormous attention from current researchers because of its flexibility and... Read More about Modeling delay and packet drop in Networked Control Systems using network simulator NS2.

Novel probability neural network (2005)
Journal Article
Cang, S., & Yu, H. (2005). Novel probability neural network. IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(5), 535-544.

This paper presents a novel probability neural network (PNN) that can classify the data for both continuous and categorical input data types. A mixture model of continuous and categorical variables is proposed to construct a probability density funct... Read More about Novel probability neural network.