Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in European LIS schools: Short Overview of an Exploratory Study
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Faletar, S., Martinez Cardama, S., Petr Balog, K., Bronstein, J., & Meharg, D. (2025, January). Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in European LIS schools: Short Overview of an Exploratory Study. Presented at BOBCATSSS 2025: Artificial Intelligence in Library and Information Science: Exploring the Intersection, Istanbul, Türkiye
All Outputs (32)
Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tungli, T., & Meharg, D. (2024, September). Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development. Presented at The 4th Transdisciplinary Workplace Research (TWR) Conference, Edinburgh, UKThe inclusion of students with disabilities in tertiary education is rising globally, however research on their participation in out-of-classroom activities remains limited. This paper investigates the significance of out-of-classroom engagement for... Read More about Exploring Out-of-Classroom Activities for Students with Disabilities: Implications for Employability Skills Development.
The shifting goalposts of Digital Technology Skills in Scotland (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., & Tungli, T. (2023, December). The shifting goalposts of Digital Technology Skills in Scotland. Presented at SRHE International Conference 2023, Birmingham, UKDigital technologies and skills are critical to economic growth and embedded in everyday life 1. This paper presents a work-in-progress study that examines the effect of education policy on digital skills within Scotland. Through literature analysis,... Read More about The shifting goalposts of Digital Technology Skills in Scotland.
The Visual Design of Mouse Icons for Digital Literacy and Inclusion (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mortimer, J., & Meharg, D. (2023, December). The Visual Design of Mouse Icons for Digital Literacy and Inclusion. Presented at SRHE International Conference 2023, Birmingham
Direct entrants as route guides to the higher education landscape (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., Meharg, D., & Fabian, K. (2022, December). Direct entrants as route guides to the higher education landscape. Presented at Mobilities in Higher Education: SRHE International Conference 2022, OnlineStudents who study for an HND at further education college and then join the university directly into the 3 rd year of their honours degree are a valuable segment of our academic community. This route provides opportunities for more people to gain HE... Read More about Direct entrants as route guides to the higher education landscape.
Transactional distance in the context of online and blended learning (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K., Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., & Meharg, D. (2022, September). Transactional distance in the context of online and blended learning. Paper presented at Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference, ManchesterMoore’s (1993) transactional distance theory recognises that communications and psychological distance between learner and teacher are affected by course structure, dialogue between lecturers and students, and learner’s autonomy. These factors affect... Read More about Transactional distance in the context of online and blended learning.
COVID-19, Students and the New Educational Landscape (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Siegel, A. A., Zarb, M., Anderson, E., Crane, B., Gao, A., Latulipe, C., Lovellette, E., McNeill, F., & Meharg, D. (2022, July). COVID-19, Students and the New Educational Landscape. Presented at ITiCSE 2022: Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Dublin, IrelandStudents have experienced incredible shifts in the in their learning environments, brought about by the response of universities to the ever-changing public health mandates driven by waves and stages of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Initially,... Read More about COVID-19, Students and the New Educational Landscape.
'A journey that motivates': Discovering the associate student experience (2022)
Meharg, D. 'A journey that motivates': Discovering the associate student experience. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2951063Higher education has seen huge growth in the past two decades with degree study becoming an anticipated next step after high school. But access to higher education is still riddled with inequality, and society is calling for equal access for all. The... Read More about 'A journey that motivates': Discovering the associate student experience.
Identifying factors influencing study skills engagement and participation for online learners in higher education during Covid-19 (2022)
Journal Article
Fabian, K., Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., & Meharg, D. (2022). Identifying factors influencing study skills engagement and participation for online learners in higher education during Covid-19. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(6), 1915-1936. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13221The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted education across the world as campuses closed to restrict the spread of the virus. UK universities swiftly migrated to online delivery. The experiences of students and staff during this transition can inform our return... Read More about Identifying factors influencing study skills engagement and participation for online learners in higher education during Covid-19.
A journey that motivates: Exploring the Associate Students Transition Framework (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Varey, A., & Cairncross, S. (2021, October). A journey that motivates: Exploring the Associate Students Transition Framework. Presented at 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Lincoln, Nebraska, USAThis research to practice full paper presents empirical work exploring the transition experiences of transfer students into computing degrees in Scotland. Students on this journey face transitional barriers as they adapt to the change in culture, com... Read More about A journey that motivates: Exploring the Associate Students Transition Framework.
An Online Approach to the Associate Transition Programme – What Works? (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Fabian, K., Mooney, C., Harkness, R., & Qadir, N. (2021, July). An Online Approach to the Associate Transition Programme – What Works?. Presented at The 9th European Conference on Education, OnlineAs education continues to be interrupted, we must now consider how we support our wider student body, our associate and direct-entry students. This paper presents empirical work exploring the impact of moving interventions to support the transition... Read More about An Online Approach to the Associate Transition Programme – What Works?.
Associate Student Project: Facilitating computing students’ transition to higher education (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., Meharg, D., Fabian, K., & Varey, A. (2021, March). Associate Student Project: Facilitating computing students’ transition to higher education. Presented at Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021, OnlineThe Associate Student (ASP) project supports Computing students who study two years at a Further Education college (achieving an HND) then transfer directly into third year, studying for two more years to complete an honours degree (BSc or BEng). Stu... Read More about Associate Student Project: Facilitating computing students’ transition to higher education.
Earn as you learn: Widening participation through apprenticeships as debt-free degrees (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., & Khristin, F. (2021, March). Earn as you learn: Widening participation through apprenticeships as debt-free degrees. Presented at Advance HE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021, OnlineApprenticeship Degrees provide opportunities to study for a degree without incurring debt. Collaborations between employers and HEIs enable new or established employees to earn while they learn, with their fees paid. This facilitates people to study... Read More about Earn as you learn: Widening participation through apprenticeships as debt-free degrees.
An exploration of degree apprentice perspectives: A Q methodology study (2021)
Journal Article
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2022). An exploration of degree apprentice perspectives: A Q methodology study. Studies in Higher Education, 47(7), 1397-1409. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2021.1897094Degree apprenticeships have recently been introduced in the UK, representing a significant shift in approaches to degree-level study: from traditional models of higher education to workplaces as locations for learning. As the model matures it is impo... Read More about An exploration of degree apprentice perspectives: A Q methodology study.
Using Rich Pictures to understand students’ transitions on new degree pathways (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., & Meharg, D. (2019, December). Using Rich Pictures to understand students’ transitions on new degree pathways. Presented at Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual International Conference, Newport, WalesNew pathways to university degrees, such as degree apprenticeships and direct entry from further education, challenge universities to support students to make the most of their higher education opportunities and achieve good degrees. Researching stud... Read More about Using Rich Pictures to understand students’ transitions on new degree pathways.
Facilitating computing students' transition to higher education (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2019, September). Facilitating computing students' transition to higher education. Presented at 1st UK & Ireland Computing Education Research Conference (UKICER), Canterbury, United KingdomStudents who progress to higher education from further education colleges are faced with academic, social, and logistical challenges during their transition. In general, they find university life more challenging compared to students who have been at... Read More about Facilitating computing students' transition to higher education.
Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer? (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, S., Fabian, K., Berg, T., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2019, July). Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer?. Presented at Innovation & Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE’19), Aberdeen, ScotlandThis paper describes a study investigating whether apprenticeship computing degrees in Scotland are attracting additional entrants who will become IT professionals and fill a skills need. Government policy reports, from around the world, set out plan... Read More about Bridging the Digital Skills Gap: Are computing degree apprenticeships the answer?.
"So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Cairncross, S., & Varey, A. (2018, October). "So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice. Presented at Frontiers in Education, San Jose, CA, USAThis Research Full paper presents empirical work focused on the transition experiences of transfer students into computing degrees in Scotland and seeks to understand the complex formation of identity from the student perspective. Drawing on [3]'s wo... Read More about "So far back, I'm anonymous": Exploring Student Identity using Photovoice.
Enhancing learning confidence for direct entry computing students (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fabian, K., Taylor-Smith, E., Meharg, D., & Varey, A. (2018, December). Enhancing learning confidence for direct entry computing students. Paper presented at The Changing Shape of Higher Education: Can excellence and inclusion cohabit?, Newport, UKPrevious studies have shown that students who transfer into university from college (direct entrants) face several challenges when they enter university. In response, the Associate Student Project supports students who enter university directly into... Read More about Enhancing learning confidence for direct entry computing students.
"We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Meharg, D., Varey, A., & Cairncross, S. (2018, December). "We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition. Presented at SRHE Newer and Early Career Conference 2018, Newport, WalesThis study presents empirical work examining the student journey from further to higher education in computing degrees in Scotland and seeks to understand the complex formation of identity, from the student perspective, during transition. In Scotlan... Read More about "We're coming from different worlds" : exploring student identity during transition.