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All Outputs (393)

Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Scott, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000, April). Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology

This paper outlines the three main field bus type standards: FOUNDATION Fieldbus; WorldFIP; and the CAN bus, each of which have great advantages over traditional instrumentation networking technology. The paper shows, using their specification, how t... Read More about Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology..

Software agents and computer network security. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pikoulas, J., Mannion, M., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000, April). Software agents and computer network security

Preventing unauthorised access to corporate information systems is essential for many organisations. To address this problem we built a security enhancement software system using software agents, in which a core software agent resides on a server and... Read More about Software agents and computer network security..

Enhancing network management using mobile agents. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buchanan, W. J., Naylor, M., & Scott, A. (2000, April). Enhancing network management using mobile agents

Agent mobility addresses some limitations faced by classic client/server architecture, namely, in minimising bandwidth consumption, in supporting adaptive network load balancing and in solving problems caused by intermittent or unreliable network con... Read More about Enhancing network management using mobile agents..

Investigation, analysis and determination of inclusions in high‐tolerance board design (2000)
Journal Article
Scott, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000). Investigation, analysis and determination of inclusions in high‐tolerance board design. Circuit World, 26(2), 7-9.

This paper outlines the inclusions in laminates that can cause the false rejection in printed circuit board (PCB) manufacture. Laminate inclusions are now becoming prevalent because of the higher resolution required for the inspection of reduced trac... Read More about Investigation, analysis and determination of inclusions in high‐tolerance board design.

PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming. (1999)
Buchanan, W. J. (1999). PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming. Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd

author's successful Applied PC Interfacing, Graphics and Interrupts this book covers all the different aspects of computer systems from low-level hardware (such as processors and interface devices) to high-level software (such as Win32 programming).... Read More about PC Interfacing, communications and Windows programming..

Excluding inclusions [PCB inspection] (1999)
Journal Article
Scott, A. V., & Buchanan, W. J. (1999). Excluding inclusions [PCB inspection]. Manufacturing Engineer, 78(4), 154-156.

The authors look at the causes of a persistent annoyance for manufacturers of printed circuit boards, and suggest some steps that would help to speed inspection and reduce both genuine faults and false rejects from the visual inspection system. This... Read More about Excluding inclusions [PCB inspection].

Mastering Java. (1998)
Buchanan, W. J. (1998). Mastering Java. Macmillan Press

This book provides an introduction to the Java programming language and also covers other related areas such as HTML, JavaScript, CGIscript and VRML. Most of the Java programs relate to practical examples, including:

* Menus and forms
* Graphics... Read More about Mastering Java..

Mastering the Internet. (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Mastering the Internet. Macmillan Press

This work offers an up-to-date account of all the component parts of the Internet and the World Wide Web, from architecture to networking. The book discusses key specifications relating to electronic mail, such as MiMe encoding and SMTP, and shows ho... Read More about Mastering the Internet..

Software development for engineers. (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Software development for engineers. Butterworth-Heinemann

Specialisation in software has become a thing of the past. With the move towards graphical user interface programming, engineers must have a sound knowledge of several programming languages and for the first time most of the main technical languages... Read More about Software development for engineers..

Wiedziec wiecej Internet (1997)
Buchanan, W. J. (1997). Wiedziec wiecej Internet. Wkt (Poland)

Ksi??ka ta m. In. Uczy jak korzysta? z internetu i sieci www.Opisuje bowiem techniczne aspekty tej ?wiatowej sieci informacyjnej. Dlatego te? mo?e by? wykorzystywana przez wszystkich uczniów i studentów, którzy nie tylko chc? korzysta? z internetu, l... Read More about Wiedziec wiecej Internet.

Anovel parallel processing synchronization method for observing electric fields in and around PCBs (1997)
Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., & Gupta, N. K. (1997). Anovel parallel processing synchronization method for observing electric fields in and around PCBs. International Journal of Electronics, 82(1), 61-76.

The authors have taken the 3D FDTD approach to simulate the propagation of electrical signals within and around printed circuit boards (PCBs). This relates to the work currently being carried out into the propagation of very high speed digital pulses... Read More about Anovel parallel processing synchronization method for observing electric fields in and around PCBs.

Applied PC interfacing, graphics and interrupts. (1996)
Buchanan, W. J. (1996). Applied PC interfacing, graphics and interrupts. Addison Wesley

Using good practical examples, this new book introduces the reader to the component parts of a PC, showing how high and low level languages communicate with them, and how computers communicate with peripherals.