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Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology.

Scott, Andrea; Buchanan, William J



This paper outlines the three main field bus type standards: FOUNDATION Fieldbus; WorldFIP; and the CAN bus, each of which have great advantages over traditional instrumentation networking technology. The paper shows, using their specification, how they improve traditional control and data acquisition methods. By analysing the main fieldbus types the paper shows how they are more robust, how they can be used to distribute data around the control system (rather than centralise it in traditional systems), provided increased diagnostic information, are easy to implement, fault confinement, and move simple control operations from the main controller to the local environment. This will help to segment industrial plants into zones which can control themselves. The main control will then be responsibility of high-level control, and interzone communications. The paper concludes by discussing how fieldbusses will answer many of the problems of previous control and data acquisition systems


Scott, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2000, April). Truly distributed control systems using fieldbus technology

Start Date Apr 7, 2000
End Date Apr 7, 2000
Publication Date 2000
Deposit Date Dec 22, 2010
Publicly Available Date Dec 22, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 165-173
Book Title Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2000. (ECBS 2000) Proceedings. Seventh IEEE International Conference and Workshopon the Issue Date: 2000
ISBN 0-7695-0604-6
Keywords Foundation fieldbus; WorldFIP; CAN bus; network technology; data acquisition methods; interzone communications;
Public URL
Contract Date Dec 22, 2010


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