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All Outputs (522)

The development of an intelligent tutorial system for system development (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Al-Jumeily, D., Hussain, A., Alghamdi, M., Lamb, D., & Hamdan, H. (2014, November). The development of an intelligent tutorial system for system development. Presented at 2014 International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Educational software has frequently been criticized as it has not been explicitly planned to meet the demands of educational environment. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for an intelligent computer technology to become used in the environmen... Read More about The development of an intelligent tutorial system for system development.

Convergence Analysis of a New Self Organizing Map Based Optimization (SOMO) Algorithm (2015)
Journal Article
Khan, A., Xue, L. Z., Wei, W., Qu, Y. P., Hussain, A., & Vencio, R. Z. N. (2015). Convergence Analysis of a New Self Organizing Map Based Optimization (SOMO) Algorithm. Cognitive Computation, 7(4), 477-486.

The self-organizing map (SOM) approach has been used to perform cognitive and biologically inspired computing in a growing range of cross-disciplinary fields. Recently, the SOM based neural network framework was adapted to solve continuous derivative... Read More about Convergence Analysis of a New Self Organizing Map Based Optimization (SOMO) Algorithm.

A novel refined track initiation algorithm for group targets based on group model (2014)
Journal Article
Gao, F., Ren, H., Wang, J., Hussain, A., & Durrani, T. S. (2014). A novel refined track initiation algorithm for group targets based on group model. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 23(4), 851-856

Traditional refined track initiation methods for group targets have mistakes or loss of tracks when tracking irregular motions, for the reason that they rely on a stable relative position of group members. To solve the problem, a group dynamic model... Read More about A novel refined track initiation algorithm for group targets based on group model.

Classification of Fish Ectoparasite Genus Gyrodactylus SEM Images Using ASM and Complex Network Model (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ali, R., Jiang, B., Man, M., Hussain, A., & Luo, B. (2014, November). Classification of Fish Ectoparasite Genus Gyrodactylus SEM Images Using ASM and Complex Network Model. Presented at 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP 2014, Kuching, Malaysia

Active Shape Models and Complex Network method are applied to the attachment hooks of several species of Gyrodactylus, including the notifiable pathogen G. salaris, to classify each species to their true species type. ASM is used as a feature extract... Read More about Classification of Fish Ectoparasite Genus Gyrodactylus SEM Images Using ASM and Complex Network Model.

Dependency-based semantic parsing for concept-level text analysis (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poria, S., Agarwal, B., Gelbukh, A., Hussain, A., & Howard, N. (2014, April). Dependency-based semantic parsing for concept-level text analysis. Presented at 15th International Conference, CICLing 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal

Concept-level text analysis is superior to word-level analysis as it preserves the semantics associated with multi-word expressions. It offers a better understanding of text and helps to significantly increase the accuracy of many text mining tasks.... Read More about Dependency-based semantic parsing for concept-level text analysis.

Visual Attention Model Based Vehicle Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: A Novel Approach (2014)
Journal Article
Gao, F., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Sun, J., Yang, E., & Hussain, A. (2015). Visual Attention Model Based Vehicle Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: A Novel Approach. Cognitive Computation, 7(4), 434-444.

The human visual system (HVS) possesses a remarkable ability of real-time complex scene analysis despite the limited neuronal hardware available for such tasks. The HVS successfully overcomes the problem of information bottleneck by selecting potenti... Read More about Visual Attention Model Based Vehicle Target Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: A Novel Approach.

Towards an intelligent framework for multimodal affective data analysis (2014)
Journal Article
Poria, S., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., & Huang, G.-B. (2015). Towards an intelligent framework for multimodal affective data analysis. Neural Networks, 63, 104-116.

An increasingly large amount of multimodal content is posted on social media websites such as YouTube and Facebook everyday. In order to cope with the growth of such so much multimodal data, there is an urgent need to develop an intelligent multi-mod... Read More about Towards an intelligent framework for multimodal affective data analysis.

Dependency tree-based rules for concept-level aspect-based sentiment analysis (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poria, S., Ofek, N., Gelbukh, A., Hussain, A., & Rokach, L. (2014, May). Dependency tree-based rules for concept-level aspect-based sentiment analysis. Presented at SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014, Anissaras, Crete, Greece

Over the last few years, the way people express their opinions has changed dramatically with the progress of social networks, web communities, blogs, wikis, and other online collaborative media. Now, people buy a product and express their opinion in... Read More about Dependency tree-based rules for concept-level aspect-based sentiment analysis.

AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network (2014)
Journal Article
Xia, Y., Cambria, E., & Hussain, A. (2015). AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network. Cognitive Computation, 7(2), 241-253.

Aspect-level opinion mining systems suffer from concept coverage problem due to the richness and ambiguity of natural language opinions. Aspects mentioned by review authors can be expressed in various forms, resulting in a potentially large number of... Read More about AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network.

Word Polarity Disambiguation Using Bayesian Model and Opinion-Level Features (2014)
Journal Article
Xia, Y., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., & Zhao, H. (2015). Word Polarity Disambiguation Using Bayesian Model and Opinion-Level Features. Cognitive Computation, 7(3), 369-380.

Contextual polarity ambiguity is an important problem in sentiment analysis. Many opinion keywords carry varying polarities in different contexts, posing huge challenges for sentiment analysis research. Previous work on contextual polarity disambigua... Read More about Word Polarity Disambiguation Using Bayesian Model and Opinion-Level Features.

EmoSenticSpace: A novel framework for affective common-sense reasoning (2014)
Journal Article
Poria, S., Gelbukh, A., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., & Huang, G.-B. (2014). EmoSenticSpace: A novel framework for affective common-sense reasoning. Knowledge-Based Systems, 69, 108-123.

Emotions play a key role in natural language understanding and sensemaking. Pure machine learning usually fails to recognize and interpret emotions in text accurately. The need for knowledge bases that give access to semantics and sentics (the concep... Read More about EmoSenticSpace: A novel framework for affective common-sense reasoning.

A Cognitively Inspired Approach to Two-Way Cluster Extraction from One-Way Clustered Data (2014)
Journal Article
Abdullah, A., & Hussain, A. (2015). A Cognitively Inspired Approach to Two-Way Cluster Extraction from One-Way Clustered Data. Cognitive Computation, 7(1), 161-182.

Cluster extraction is a vital part of data mining; however, humans and computers perform it very differently. Humans tend to estimate, perceive or visualize clusters cognitively, while digital computers either perform an exact extraction, follow a fu... Read More about A Cognitively Inspired Approach to Two-Way Cluster Extraction from One-Way Clustered Data.

Novel Biologically Inspired Approaches to Extracting Online Information from Temporal Data (2014)
Journal Article
Malik, Z. K., Hussain, A., & Wu, J. (2014). Novel Biologically Inspired Approaches to Extracting Online Information from Temporal Data. Cognitive Computation, 6(3), 595-607.

In this paper, we aim to develop novel learning approaches for extracting invariant features from time series. Specifically, we implement an existing method of solving the generalized eigenproblem and use this to firstly implement the biologically in... Read More about Novel Biologically Inspired Approaches to Extracting Online Information from Temporal Data.

A novel SAR target detection algorithm based on contextual knowledge (2013)
Journal Article
Gao, F., Ru, A., Sun, J., & Hussain, A. (2013). A novel SAR target detection algorithm based on contextual knowledge. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 142, 123-140.

This paper proposes a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) vehicle target detection algorithm based on contextual knowledge. The proposed algorithm firstly obtains the general classification of SAR image with a Markov Random Field (MRF)-based segmentation... Read More about A novel SAR target detection algorithm based on contextual knowledge.

Tables and chairs go au naturel (2013)
Journal Article
Hussain, A. (2013). Tables and chairs go au naturel. InTents, 20,

Functional and aesthetic—tables and chairs provide structure and warmth to an event. Tables and chairs are the bones of an event. They provide the foundation upon which the rest of the event can be built. While glitz and glam still have their place,... Read More about Tables and chairs go au naturel.

A basal ganglia inspired soft switching approach to the motion control of a car-like autonomous vehicle (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yang, E., Hussain, A., & Gurney, K. (2013, June). A basal ganglia inspired soft switching approach to the motion control of a car-like autonomous vehicle. Presented at BICS 2013: 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Beijing, China

This paper presents a new brain-inspired, switching control approach for a car-like autonomous vehicle using a basal ganglia (BG) model as an action selection mechanism. The problem domain has challenging nonholonomic and state constraints which impl... Read More about A basal ganglia inspired soft switching approach to the motion control of a car-like autonomous vehicle.

A novel clinical expert system for chest pain risk assessment (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Farooq, K., Hussain, A., Atassi, H., Leslie, S., Eckl, C., MacRae, C., & Slack, W. (2013, June). A novel clinical expert system for chest pain risk assessment. Presented at BICS 2013: 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Beijing, China

Rapid access chest pain clinics (RACPC) enable clinical risk assessment, investigation and arrangement of a treatment plan for chest pain patients without a long waiting list. RACPC Clinicians often experience difficulties in the diagnosis of chest p... Read More about A novel clinical expert system for chest pain risk assessment.

A review of artificial intelligence and biologically inspired computational approaches to solving issues in narrative financial disclosure (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Minhas, S., Poria, S., Hussain, A., & Hussainey, K. (2013, June). A review of artificial intelligence and biologically inspired computational approaches to solving issues in narrative financial disclosure. Presented at BICS 2013: 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, Beijing, China

Indisputably, financial reporting has a key role to play in the efficient workings of capitalist economies. Problems related to agency and asymmetric information (Jensen and Meckling, 1976) would abound and cripple financial markets, as it has done w... Read More about A review of artificial intelligence and biologically inspired computational approaches to solving issues in narrative financial disclosure.