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AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network

Xia, Yunqing; Cambria, Erik; Hussain, Amir


Yunqing Xia

Erik Cambria


Aspect-level opinion mining systems suffer from concept coverage problem due to the richness and ambiguity of natural language opinions. Aspects mentioned by review authors can be expressed in various forms, resulting in a potentially large number of missing or incomplete aspects. This work proposes a novel unsupervised method to extract aspects from raw reviews with a broader coverage. Previous research has shown that unsupervised methods based on dependency relations are promising for opinion target extraction (OTE). In this work, we introduce Aspect Network (AspNet), an AspNet that further improves existing OTE methods by providing a new framework for modeling aspects. AspNet represents the general indecomposable atom aspects and their dependency relations in a two-layered, directed, weighted graph, based on which the specific decomposable compound aspects in reviews can be effectively extracted. AspNet is constructed through an unsupervised learning method that starts from a small number of human-defined, domain-dependent aspects, and bootstraps generalization and propagation in a large volume of raw reviews. In summary, the major contributions of this work are twofold: Firstly, the proposed AspNet is a new framework in modeling aspects; secondly, an unsupervised method is proposed to construct AspNet in a bootstrapping manner within raw reviews to learn aspects automatically. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed OTE method, based on AspNet, can achieve significant gains over baseline methods.


Xia, Y., Cambria, E., & Hussain, A. (2015). AspNet: Aspect Extraction by Bootstrapping Generalization and Propagation Using an Aspect Network. Cognitive Computation, 7(2), 241-253.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 4, 2014
Online Publication Date Sep 19, 2014
Publication Date 2015-04
Deposit Date Oct 10, 2019
Journal Cognitive Computation
Print ISSN 1866-9956
Electronic ISSN 1866-9964
Publisher BMC
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 2
Pages 241-253
Keywords Aspect extraction; Opinion mining; Aspect Network; Unsupervised learning
Public URL