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Hearing Abilities Assessment

McGregor, Iain



A method for assessing hearing abilities of a human person having two ears, the method comprising: - providing two audio signals to two respective ear speakers at a person's corresponding ears; - measuring at least one value of at least one parameter representative of the person's head position, adapting at least one of the two audio signals based on the at least one measured value, and repeating the measuring and adapting often enough for the sounds provided to the person to correspond to their actual head position; - detecting that the person has found their best perception of the two sounds, - calculating from the person's head position corresponding to the best perception an over- al sensitivity value, a differential sensitivity value and/or a value of a latency shift of the person.


McGregor, I. (2024). Hearing Abilities Assessment. W O 2024/041821 A1. World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau

Publication Date Feb 29, 2024
Deposit Date Apr 11, 2024
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