Jonathan Mortimer
Associate Lecturer
Representation in Animation: Character design with the Deaf community
Mortimer, Jonathan
Using the animated short film, New Signs for Animation as an example and jumping off point, we will be exploring options for character design in animation focused to deaf audiences in a workshop setting. This session will be an online [Zoom] recorded session with a BSL interpreter present.
*Please note: Manchester Animation Festival (MAF) will be host and data controller of the recorded workshop.
I [Jon] will be leading the workshop with a deaf representative (involved throughout the process) and a professional character designer - who has delivered an earlier workshop for the hearing community, this session will be timed & paced with BSL interpreters in mind.
At the start of the workshop, participates will be asked for their thoughts on how they feel the deaf community if represented in Animation & film. Later on when participates are designing their characters for animation, they have the opportunity to integrate previous raised points on deaf representation.
We also anticipate there may be gaps in animation terminology, that participates will be asked to draft sign/s for the session. This can later be developed into an initial video glossary of new signs for animation.
*Please note: the group of deaf participates do not wish to be seen as a vulnerable group nor one with a disability. The workshop has been designed with the deaf community and BSL interpreters throughout the process and will be present during the workshop.
LINK: https://watch.eventive....14c6c40567a6306675c0217
Mortimer, J. (2021, November). Representation in Animation: Character design with the Deaf community. Presented at Manchester Animation Festival, Manchester, UK
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | Manchester Animation Festival |
Start Date | Nov 22, 2021 |
Deposit Date | Mar 10, 2023 |
Publicly Available Date | Mar 10, 2023 |
Representation In Animation: Character Design With The Deaf Community (slides)
(1.3 Mb)
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