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Tourism and the European Union.

Anastasiadou, Constantia



Derek Hall

Melanie Smith

Barbara Marciszweska


This chapter provides examples of the EU's involvement in tourism and discusses potential areas of involvement as these have been suggested in the tourism literature and were identified by institutional stakeholders at the supranational level. It is indicated that an implicit policy created by the impact of other policy areas rather than an explicitly stated EU policy or strategy for tourism is in place. The European Constitution has presented tourism interests with the opportunity to have tourism included on the EU agenda on equal terms as other policies and it constitutes a long anticipated expression of greater commitment to tourism.


Anastasiadou, C. (2006). Tourism and the European Union. In D. Hall, M. Smith, & B. Marciszweska (Eds.), Tourism in the New Europe: The challenges and opportunities if EU enlargement (20-31). CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International)

Publication Date 2006
Deposit Date Jun 9, 2015
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 20-31
Book Title Tourism in the New Europe: The challenges and opportunities if EU enlargement
ISBN 9781845931179
Keywords Tourism; EU policy; integration; European identity; regeneration; economic development;
Public URL